rule seventeen: count your blessings

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Dedicated to diplomxtic for the large fangirling moment we shared over Kevin Zegers and Gossip Girl. Thanks for letting me rant about my love for cute European drug dealers.



I'm In Here by Sia (piano/vocal version): when Candice gets the news from the nurse

Love Is A Fire by Courrier: when she goes to see Chance

Heartlines by Florence + The Machine: when she talks to the Winchesters

With Light There Is Hope by Princess One Point Five: the end of the chapter

"Sorry?" I squeaked. "W-Why would you be sorry?"

She shook her head and pushed a lock of frizzy raven hair behind her ear. "Mr. Winchester's fall was quite a serious one. He hit his head extremely hard, and head injuries are quite tricky to treat."

"But he'll be okay, right?" I asked, feeling my heart seize.

"We're not sure at the moment, as he's still unconscious. We won't really be able to make an accurate assessment of his injuries until he regains consciousness."

"And when will that be?"

"I'm not sure," she told me bluntly. "Unfortunately there are still a lot of mysteries surrounding head injuries. He could wake up in minutes, hours, weeks... I'm sorry to tell you this, but there is always a possibility that he never does."

I shook my head. "No, that's impossible. He has to be fine. We're getting married in a couple of weeks! I mean, we were just talking earlier. He has to be fine."

She patted my arm comfortingly. "I know it's a lot to take in now, but as we know more we'll be able to make a better judgment. We've got a nurse with him at all times checking his vitals and keeping an eye on him. He's in good hands, Miss Sinclair."

"Is he stable?" I croaked. "Can I see him?"

"Unfortunately, no," she told me. "He's yet to stabilize and it's very touch-and-go at the moment. Until we get a clearer picture, we can't allow any visitors."

I felt like I was going to fall down, and just as I was beginning to slip, I felt two arms encircle me and pull me into a muscular chest. I looked up to see the familiar dark curls of Jamie.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

I shook my head. "It can't be," I whispered. "He can't..."

"Mr. Ryder is awake and asking for you," the nurse said. "I know it's a lot to take in, but would you like to see him?"

I nodded. "Yes, please."

Jamie slowly set me upright and stood close by to make sure I didn't faint, but when I was certain I had my bearings, I allowed the stout nurse to lead me down the corridors and towards the room where Chance would be. The whole place had a melancholy feel, and I could hear people crying and whispering to each other from different rooms. Nurses in matching pink and blue scrubs walked around checking their watches and writing things on cork clipboards. To them, the case of William Winchester was just like any other drunken head injury; they'd seen something like this happen a million times before. They didn't realize that he was somebody's world, and their whole life would come collapsing down around them if something were to happen to him.

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