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  I plop down on the floor. Exhaling a large breath. This is it. This is home. I look around at my one bedroom apartment. I wish things didn't have to be this way.

  At age 10 my life started to go downhill. That is when my parents divorced. You hear about kids with divorced parents, but do you hear about the kids whos parents are only together for the sake of their child?

  The kids' parents who SHOULD be divorced. They fight endlessly. Every. Single. Day. To the point where it becomes mentally draining. They think they're doing the right thing, but in reality they're not. Once my parents finally separated I thought I finally had a good life. No more fighting, no more drama, no more heart wrenching moments of me stepping out of my room once the house falls silent after hours and hours on end of continuous yelling and verbal abuse. I was free. Or so I thought.

My dad and I had a great relationship. Then he found a new wife. They both loved me. My step mom, Claire, loved me as her own. But then, they had kids together, and years and years of memories went to waste when they slowly started to disregard me. My Dad and Claire raised selfish little brats. Soon after all the kids were at least older than 5, Claire left him. She found another man that made more money and left my father. My father took his anger out on me. At first I think it was out of guilt, and part of me still thinks so, but it just got worse and worse. He started drinking and he really hurt me. I didnt want to leave him. The woman he loved left him. I couldn't do that to him too. However; one night, he went too far and the next morning I left.

My mom on the other hand started hoeing around with people. The sound of, you know what, kept me up most nights. She got into drugs and stuff like that, and one day when I went to go to her house, she was gone. She packed up and left. I didnt know where she went or who she left with, but one thing was for sure. She wanted nothing to do with me and I meant no part to her life whatsoever anymore.

I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt a tear drop into my hand. I usually was a tough person, I didnt like crying, but my parents were a sensitive topic for me. They were supposed to be my rock and be there for me, but they only had love for themselves.

  A slight knock on the door shot me up off the floor in seconds. I wiped any other stray tears off my face and walked towards the door.

"Hello!" The knocker said.

"Who the fuck are you?" I state. Why the hell is some random ass man standing right outside my door.

"Your new bestfriend!" He smirks.

I close the door in his face. I didnt know that the men who lived here would be this creepy.

"Hey lady! What the fuck was that for!!" He shouted.

"Take a hint dipshit." I respond back from outside my door.

I hear him say something under his breath and retrieve back to wherever he came from. Now that I think about it, that guy didnt look to bad. I tore myself from my thoughts. I'm not going to get attached, although his confidence intrigued me.

I put on my shoes and headed for the door. I needed to at least get something to put in my fridge. I would be hungry later. I should also buy a nice outfit in case I land myself an interview. I waited a couple minutes before leaving, just in case that guy was still there, and headed for the store I saw on my way here.

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