Chapter 2 - Dusk

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[Nicole closing the front door after entering caught Richard off guard, who just finished doing the dishes after their kids went upstairs. The blue feline drops her purse on the couch, only to immediately settle next to it while holding onto her shirt's collar with one paw. She isn't aware of her husband not letting his eyes move away from her silhouette, as he keeps staring at her with a slight frown. The pink bunny isn't sure how he should feel. The past few months might have been a great relief and let him catch up with his missed rest, but his mind doesn't feel peaceful at all. In fact, every slight bit of unease he noticed his wife giving off brought back some fear. Stone-cold fear that made him doubt his own thoughts. Seeing Nicole being busy with everything she used to do before made him realize how much he missed it. But at the same time he knows it won't be the same ever again. It's a thought which only leaves him heartbroken after just having seen the cat droop her ears.

Richard puts the last dried-off pan in one of the kitchen cabinets and opens up a cupboard, only to notice a few packages of Arthrus being stacked on top of each other. He intensively stares at them for a few minutes and closes the door. After taking a deep breath, he moves towards the living room, where Nicole sits leaned back on the couch with her eyes half closed. Richard doesn't have to take another step or the blue feline already calls out his presence.]

Nicole: [Yawns] Oh hey, honey. I didn't expect you to be in the kitchen.

[The blue feline visually trying her best to smile makes Richard aware of how tired she currently is, and he decides to settle next to her after gently putting her purse on the carpet.]

Richard: Heh, well I just figured to do some chores.

Nicole: You? Chores? Is that still my fluffy bunny who's speaking?

[Nicole's chuckling caused Richard to smile briefly, but no matter how badly he wanted to laugh by her joke, imaginary weights of upwelling guilt and worry pull his shoulders down. Nicole notices he hesitates speaking up the next second, and her smile disappears while Richard's ears drop. Her pupils enlarge as she slowly moves closer until she can rest her head on his shoulder, only for Richard to gulp in response.]

Nicole: Is something wrong? Again, I'm so sorry this shift's ending got delayed another time...

Richard: N-no, that's not it... In fact, I'm glad enough that you manage working again really.

Nicole: Then... why the long face?

Richard: I just... I don't know...

Nicole: It's okay if you can't find the words, but... just remember you can tell me anything.

Richard: I just hope... you're alright?

Nicole: If I'm... alright? Honey, I am. You've seen me doing well last months, right?

Richard: Y-yes, of course.

Nicole: Then why are you still worried about me when all went back to normal?

Richard: I-if I'm honest... You kind of have the habit to say you're fine while in fact you aren't.

Nicole: B-but I mean it this time. I don't understand why y-

[Richard interrupts his wife with tearing up eyes.]

Richard: It didn't all go back to normal, Nicole. I'm sorry to say that... But it's the truth.

Nicole: W-what?

Richard: Your condition, honey! It's not... gone.

Nicole: But we have a cure for it! With temporarily effect then, but I've handled taking it in regularly now...

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