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"Ah, fuck!"

Ice cold water slipped over Harry's body like stinging tendrils as he stepped too soon under the shower's spray. Scrunching his body desperately into the corner of the shower cubicle, he waited a few moments for the stream to heat up, only stepping back under when the water almost sizzled hot against his skin.

A good burn, comfortable. Familiar.

Once showered, Harry stopped at the bathroom mirror and eyed the small, water damaged post-it-note taped to the glass- reminding him to take his medication. With a sigh, he clicked open the cabinet and plucked the tattered boxes out from their spot at the front of the shelf. Practiced fingers popped the small tablets from their blister packs and he swallowed them down using a handful of sink water.

Harry moseyed out to his bedroom, the chill of the fan on his bare skin sending goosebumps rippling across his skin. He knelt down to the pile of clothing on his floor and picked out the least dirty clothes he had available and shoved them on, with a promise to the baskets remains that he would do the washing. Eventually.

Once he was completely ready, he quietly slipped out of the flat and out towards his bus, for what ended up being just another uneventful day at university. His classes and lectures went by relatively quickly, much to Harry's relief, and it felt like only a mere couple of hours or so before he was back on the bus home, getting off a stop early- just to prolong the time he could spend listening to his favourite playlist.

Engrossed in the music beaming loudly from his earphones, Harry didn't notice that Tobi had pulled up beside him in his busted up Fiat, waving at him to gain his attention. Tobi tossed a burger wrapper through the window at his friend, who immediately whipped around in search for the culprit. A smile spread across his face when he noticed Tobi beckoning for him to get in the car, the price for a lift home merely having to be a 'helping hand' while carrying the bottles of beer up to the flat when they arrived.

The path through their student housing complex twisted and turned between tall modern looking buildings, the gardens well kept in such a way that visiting families and friends were able to look upon them, and delude themselves into believing that the grounds were free from the debauchery expected of young adults. As if the subtle aroma of weed and alcohol in the air could simply be ignored.

In contrast, 'H block' was not what one would consider luxury under any circumstances. A single story block of three red-brick flats tucked right into the back of the complex, often forgotten by the ground staff, yet loved by its residents all the same.

Harry and Tobi rounded the corner to their little slice of paradise and placed the heavy beer bottles on the green plastic outdoor table, dodging where Ethan was singing along to an obnoxiously loud rap song, and happily dragging mismatched plastic chairs around to form a circle surrounding the small fire pit. On the opposite side of the patio, Jj was busy unpacking the plates for the barbecue for tonight's welcome party. Just the thought of the food made Harry's mouth water, stomach anticipating the kind of feast the elder would have in store for them later.

Tobi ducked past Jj, giggling as he was pulled in for a quick kiss on the way.

"Ay, get a room would you!" Cal shouted teasingly as he clumsily stumbled out of his flat with an armful of bottles.

Harry couldn't help but laugh with him, racing over to open the massive cooler and relieving Cal of the bottles and placing them in there. He glanced over at the door of Cal's flat where the sounds of Ethan and Josh playfully arguing could be heard lilting through the door.
It was a comfortable little family he'd found in this ragtag group of weirdos, the strays pushed to the outskirts of the complex. The idea of a new person joining the group really did excite Harry immensely, but not nearly enough for him to ignore the ever growing anxiety bubbling in his gut.

Excusing himself, Harry ducked back into his own flat to get ready, Tobi giving him a knowing nod on the way past. Closing the door to his bedroom, Harry let the muffled sound of Ethan's music ground him as he showered and changed into some nicer clothes, making sure to swallow down a Lorazepam before heading back out to the party.

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