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Harry fell asleep the moment he sat down in the passenger seat, only startling awake once they arrived back at the complex- and Simon opened his passenger door to scoop him up out of the seat. Simon locked the doors and lowered his body down for Harry to climb onto his back like a sleepy koala, Harry immediately falling asleep again against Simon and only waking when they'd made it back to the flat.

Simon gently set him down in the living room, kicking off his sandy shoes at the door and sending his exhausted friend off for a shower.

The burning heat of the shower flow felt wonderful against Harry's cool skin as he slowly washed himself, taking extra care to scrub his face; it felt all sticky. The Valium had well and truly kicked in, and Harry leaned his head back and got lost in the relief of the hot water.

Eventually, his comfortable haze was broken by a knock on the bathroom door.

"You okay in there?" Simon called out from the other side.

Harry turned off the water flow and reached for a towel only to discover his towel rack was empty. He popped his head out from behind the bathroom door to find Simon standing in front of the doorway, towel in hand, his stunning party attire abandoned in favour of a comfortable pair of tracksuit bottoms and a baggy t-shirt.

"You didn't have any clean ones so I went and got you one of mine, it was on the radiator so it should still be nice and warm for you." Simon held the towel out and Harry gratefully accepted it, immediately wrapping it around his rapidly cooling body and sighing in contentment at how soft it felt.

Once he was sufficiently dried, Harry left the bathroom to find his bedroom empty and a set of loose, comfortable pyjamas laid out on his neatly made bed. Harry changed into them just in time for Simon to return with a cookie and a glass of juice, handing them to Harry with a smile.

An overwhelming rush of fondness overtook Harry as he munched on the snack, finishing it and the juice quickly and climbing into bed, flicking on his bedside table lamp. It felt really, really nice to be cared for like this, Harry thought, despite truly not believing for a moment that he deserved any of it. The way Simon was fussing over him made his heart flutter, and though he knew that they were still only friends, weirdly, he didn't feel the sadness he usually felt at the thought of his non-reciprocated feelings.

Harry didn't ask for anything but a lift home, fully expecting Simon to just drop him off at the front door- hell, Harry was even going to tell him to go back to the party while he slept. Yet, here he was, watching with sleepy adoration as his friend hummed along a soft melody and got him ready for bed.

Harry was not a pious man, but he silently thanked whoever was listening for the opportunity to experience this brief moment of domesticity with Simon, even if it could never happen again.

"Where's your prescription? I'll get you some more meds tomorrow morning so you'll have them when you wake up." Simon smiled as he leaned against the timber footer of the bed.

"Top draw of the dresser, thank you, you don't have to do that." Harry replied softly, willing his heart not to beat out of his chest as Simon smiled and retrieved the crumpled green slip from the drawer and took it out to the dining table, before making his way back into Harry's room, flicking off the light and gesturing him to lay down.

Simon lifted the weighted blanket and gently laid it over Harry's body, careful not to drop it on him and hurt him.

Harry looked up at him as he did so, eyes sparkling with the reflection of the bedside table lamp. "Can... can you stay with me tonight?" He asked tentatively.

Simon patted him on the shoulder, "Sure, I'll be out on the sofa if you need me okay?"

"No, I- I mean, in here." Harry replied, barely audibly. "If that's okay with you?"

"Oh, yeah, of course," Simon smiled, making his way around the bed to climb into the free space beside Harry, who immediately snuggled into his friend's warmth. Rather than moving away, Simon wrapped his arm around Harry, pulling him even closer, until the two were right up against each other.

Harry closed his eyes and drifted off to the sound of the elder breathing gently beside him.

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