Chapter Two

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so sorry about the super long delay but i was super busy with school and work but i have made time to post this chapter :D

Next Upload is for Fast Love

photo on side is of Claradesa


“Wanna Join?”

Chapter Two

Claradesa’s View:

            I quickly rushed towards my next class as I thought about what just happened.  I still found it unbelievable that on my first day here some random guy asked me out, and not only did this random guy have a boyfriend but the boyfriend is perfectly fine with it!  As I continued to rush through the hallways I was suddenly jerked back to reality when I clumsily ran into another person.  I readjusted my glasses then looked and saw that I ran into my best friend.  I practically shouted, “Becks, I need to talk to you!” and before she could say anything I dragged to our next class thinking how it was a good thing we have the same schedule. When we sat down at the seats by the window she asked, “What has freaked you out so bad that we had to rush even though we have five minutes left?”

            I asked ignoring her question, “You’ve been here since freshman year, right?”  She nodded as she gave me a ‘duh’ look.  I then asked, “What do you know about these guys named Trenton and Braxton?”

            She replied, “You mean the two that are in the grade ahead of us?”  I nodded then she continued, “Braxton keeps to himself so he’s sort of the loner type.  He rarely talks to and hangs out with anyone besides Trenton.  On the other hand, he can be pretty confident.  Trenton is almost the complete opposite.  He will be social but he has his loner moments too.  Trenton also is a troublemaker who is in detention practically every week.  Braxton and Trenton have been dating since the beginning of their sophomore year… so that’s two years I do believe.  Why do you want to know about them?”

            I was shocked.  The only thing running through my mind was the fact that two seniors wanted to date me and also these two seniors have been together for a while already.  The only question that is running through my mind is why do they want me to join their relationship?  Is it simply because they are bored and want to try something new or is it more than that?  I was pulled out of my thoughts when the bell rang causing me to jump.  The teacher started taking role as I pulled out a sheet of paper and pretended to do my homework when I was actually writing a note to Becks.

C:  You have to promise not to say anything!

            B:  Of course I wouldn’t say anything!  We’re best friends!

            C:  And as your best friend I know that you are a major gossiper.

            B:  Okay so you’ve got me there.  But I would never tell something that could hurt you and you know that.  Now tell me why you wanted to know about Trenton and Braxton.

            I sighed and looked at her to see if she was telling the truth, and when I was sure I wrote down and passed her the note.

            C:  Fine… so Trenton came up to me at lunch today…

            B:  And!?!

            C:  He was flirting with me…  And somehow the convo went to him asking me to join Braxton and his relationship!

            B:  0.0 Wait… what?  I seem to not be reading this right or you’re joking.

            C:  You read it correctly and I’m serious.  He actually asked me to join their relationship as in we date each other at the same time.”

            B:  And what did you say? D:

            C:  That I had to go to class.

            B:  You mean to tell me that already on your first day the hottest guys in school basically asked you out and all you said is that you have to go to class!?! D:

            C:  Yes…

            B:  Oh my goodness (-_-*)… I am literally pulling my hair out here.  You should have said yes!!!

            C:  But I can’t!!! D:

            B:  And why not?  Are you scared of what people will say?  Screw their opinions and do what you want!

            C:  It’s not that >_>

            B:  Are you afraid of what your parents will say?  They are cross-dressers so I don’t think they would care…

            C:  That’s not why either -_-

            Right when I finished my response I heard someone enter the room.  I looked up and my eyes locked with Trenton’s who winked at me when he noticed I was here.  The teacher turned to him with an annoyed expression on his face before he asked, “Why are you coming in late and disrupting study hall, Trenton?”

            Trenton smirked, “Nobody is doing their work anyways and the answer to your question is that I was too busy making out with Braxton.”  His smirk grew even more once he saw the teacher become flustered.  He teased, “Were you just imagining it?  Would you like me to make your fantasies a reality?  You’re pretty young so I can make an exception for you.”

            The teacher blushed a bright red before he huskily sputtered, “O-of c-course not!  Please take your seat, Trenton.”

            He continued to laugh, “I’m just kidding.  I only have my eyes on two people and one of them is sitting by the window.”  Everyone immediately looked towards me since I was the only one sitting by the window, which made me blush a deep red.  He smirked at me as he walked to the only available seat, and with my luck the seat was right in front of me.  I quickly balled up the paper containing the conversation Beck and I just had and tossed it to sideways at her.  Trenton noticed this and asked, “What’s on that paper?”

            Becks smoothly lied, “We were talking about my boy toy and how big his…”

            To stop her from finishing her sentence I quickly groaned, “Becks!”

            She looked confused as Trenton busted out laughing and I rolled my eyes at my best friend’s lack of boundaries.  When Trenton calmed down he turned completely to me and randomly asked with excitement in his eyes, “You know you never gave me an answer to my question.  Wanna join?”

            I looked at Becks who was frantically shaking her head yes.  I sighed before replying, “I’m not sure about this…”

            Trenton interrupted me by gently caressing my cheek.  He leaned closer to me as if he was going to kiss me right in the middle of class and said, “You remind me so much of Braxton.  You both are cautious and fear taking chances, but you should know it won’t stop me from winning you over so you might as well say yes now.” 

As he stared into my eyes I finally noticed that his eyes were a unique color; they were a mix of gray and brown.  Once I pulled out of my trance I groaned then said, “I better not regret this.”

He grinned then brushed back a strand of my hair, “And you won’t.”

Wanna Join? A BoyxBoy Love Story with a TwistWhere stories live. Discover now