Memories Part 1

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Just as expected, a greenie arrived today. On the day I considered my 'birthday' who I shared with Chevy. And now the new glader. I started my day like a ritual, getting up and doing my leader-ly duties. I decided that today I was gonna be really nice and welcoming to the greenie. Because who knows? Maybe it's another girl. Please let it be another girl. The box came up around lunch time, and I called some of the boys over to help unload the box while I took care of the kid. Yanking the box lid open, I jumped down into the box, preparing my cliche welcoming statement. I looked around, a little confused. There wasn't anyone in here. I looked around, searching for a poor little child huddled behind the crates or something, and found nothing. I bent down and peered between one stack of items and felt something launch onto my back. I had a feeling I had just found our greenie. The others stopped what they where doing and looked down at the commotion. 

The kid was grappling me, choking we with his arms and squeezing my waist with his legs. "Okay, you wanna fight? let's fight." I declared. Springing off my feet and landing on my back (technically his back), I heard him groan. I twisted out of his grip and stood over his coiled body. Sitting down on his ribs and pinning his arms above him, I said my statement. "Welcome to the glade greenie. And next time you fight someone, make sure they don't have more muscles." Looking at his face properly, I saw that he was, in one word, gorgeous. "What's your name greenie?" I said curiously. "Alvaro. My name is Alvaro." He shakily said, fear in his hazel eyes. I lifted him off the ground and shook his hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you Alvaro. My name's Nyla. You could call me the head of this establishment, or you can just call me later" I winked. Axel, who had been watching from above, hopped down next to me. "Smooth" He joked, and nodded towards Alvaro. Turning back to me he offered to show the greenie the ropes as I had a lot to do today. I told him he could but he was to get back to work as soon as the tour was over. 

After watching them climb out of the box, I looked around. What for? Alvaro's artefact. While holding him down I observed that he didn't have anything in his hands or pockets, or anywhere else if you get my drift. Meaning it must have fallen out during our scramble. Peering into the shaded side of the box, I found what I was looking for. he came up with a journal. And it was full of writing. My heart racing, I shoved the book into my waistband, making sure it was hidden. My plan was to go to the map hut and read the journal after dinner, making sure to bring a light with me. I quickly grabbed something from the box, jumped out and walked over to where my builders were putting the finishing touches on the greenie's shelter. Patton was the first to notice me there, and called a 5 minute break. "So what was his artefact?" He questioned. I replied cooly, "Wouldn't you like to know pretty boy? Just kidding. He brought up a broken wire that was wrapped around his hand" I showed him the wire I had oh-so-cleverly picked up. Patton believed it, and before I ordered the boys to get back to work, I decided to just have a quick dangerous kiss. "I'm glad I put you as head of the builders-" I whispered, leaning in close. "Cos' the gleaming sweat is kind of hot" swiping my lips over his, leaving him stunned, I walked away with a grin on my face. I love the power I hold.

For the rest of the day, I focused on re-organisation. I helped redo our cupboards and cabinets to acquire more equipment, wash all the dishes, sharpen the knives, chopped up some of the crates for firewood, and joined the runners for a late afternoon jog. It was challenging to act like I didn't know where I was, but Valentino stuck beside me so we could both reflect off of each other. I was glad that I told him though, it made me feel less guilty about not telling anyone else. I knew that today was the 7th section's turn, and I did guide the others in the right direction at times. There were four runners (not including myself); Valentino, Koa, Garrick and Kaiden. I love Valentino, I think he's hilarious in the most serious way possible. I haven't really spoken to Garrick much, but when I do it's usually all business. We already know that Kaiden is the bane of my existence, and Koa is one of the younger ones, who's around 14. I kind of mother him, and it scares me half to death when he goes into the maze but I've taught him how to be safe, and to trust Val above all else. I get the feeling that Val has told him about the map, but I'm okay with that.

As we returned, Koa quietly said to me, "I don't know if anyone told you, but you have blood on your throat from the incident with the greenie. I hope you're okay." I turned to him, whispered, "It's not mine" and asked him to wipe the blood away. After doing so, I gave him a hug. Whoever put us here must have no soul to send an angel like Koa in here. With people like me, who kill deer and send their friends to their deaths just to feel something. But I had a feeling that I would figure out who was behind the glade and the maze with Alvaro's journal. Why? Because when I picked it up, and flicked through it for a second, my name was on multiple pages. With my excitement taking control of my body, the next hour or so was a blur. We had made it back just before the doors closed, so the sun was just at the top of the wall. After my buzz died down, I invited Niko to come watch the sunset with me on the lookout tree. And once the sun was set, we went back for dinner and then headed for bed. Or at least, everyone else headed for bed. After yelling at all the boys to shut up and go to sleep, I snuck out into the forest with an unlit torch. It was time to uncover some secrets.

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