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Judith and Charlie have not been to the inn before and had asked attractive, blond haired Dallas to take them all there to explore more of the rumours closely. 

If there was a mystery it would be no challenge for what Judith and Charlie call Dallas "our detective."

 It had been agreed with the girls that they keeped this mystery a secret from their occupants. "Its our grandpa we were going to see. His name was Alfred Conver," Said Charlie. He owns the place, but turned the management over to an England couple named Mactravick. 

Trees and bushes swayed in the wind which had blown up suddenly and shrieked like a siren. It slammed against the car window with a terrific force as dust and leaver swirled threw the air. "Oh my" screamed Judith so suddenly, "Look!" 

Not far ahead a giant elm tree about to fall down. Dallas slammed on her brakes, as the tree toppled onto her convertible with a thundering crash. The tree girls were stunned till Charlie finally said "Well now we have to turn back!" . "Don't be silly" said Dallas, I can see the inn just beyond the trees. We can walk there." 

Judith, Charlie, and Dallas stepped out of the crushed car into the howling wind which whipped their hair and stung their faces. With eyes almost closed, they linked arms, skidded away from the tree and car, and set of for the inn.

Dallas and the rumour of the innWhere stories live. Discover now