A Double Blessing For Lord Henry Grey, Part Two

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It's A Boy: Lord David Edward Christopher Beck III

It pays to be faithful to Odin, The Almighty Father and his wife, Freda, The Queen of All Gods and Goddesses as the Georgian New Year starts off on January 1, 2279, Lady Katherine Beck nee Grey, the eldest daughter of Lord Henry Grey and his wife, Lady Georgiana goes into labor with her husband's and her first child.

Lord Henry Grey not once in the course of his marriage with Lady Georgiana ever complained about having three daughters. He considered himself blessed.

Lady Georgiana gave birth to their first child, Lady Katherine Georgiana in 2257, her second child, another daughter Lady Mary Henrietta was born in 2259, and her third child another daughter, Lady Jane was born in 2261.

Lady Katherine was 2278 married to Lord Timothy Christopher Beck and in April of 2278 she became pregnant with their first child and their second child, Lady Mary married Lord Frederick William III in June of 2279 and she is expecting their first child in late March or early April of 2279.

Lady Katherine wakes up on New Year Day of 2284 and she is in labor and Lord Timothy rushes out his bed and summons his uncle, Lord David Beck out at Essex House where he lives with his wife, Lady Katherine and two year old son, Lord David William Beck JR.

Lord David Beck is a senior medical officer on Star Base 12 and since 2275 he has delivered every Howard or related baby on Star Base 12.

He is happy that he is about to become an uncle for the first time and he kisses his wife and son good-bye and starts to make the journey towards Suffolk Manor.

The news spreads to Beltane Manor and Lady Karissa is the first one to receive the news and she wakes up Lord Andrew Charles and says, "Wake up Lord Andrew Charles. We have to journey out to Suffolk."

"I don't want to go. I will appoint you as my representative to be there." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Listen here Lord Andrew Charles. Get your lazy good for nothing ass out of that bed. I will pull cold water on you." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles reluctantly gets out of bed and he drags his lazy good for nothing ass out of bed and he takes his shower and puts his robe around his body and he walks over to his wardrobe and picks out his suit to wear to Suffolk Manor.

Lord Andrew Charles gets dressed and he looks at Lady Karissa and asks, " Why do I have to go?"

"I am telling you that you have to go." Lady Karissa exclaims, " You are Duke of Norfolk and Lord Richard is picking up Lord Frederick, Lady Mary, and Lord Thomas."

"You are the senior Duke of the Howard family." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I once told you Karissa. I would rather have lived the life of a country squire." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"It didn't happen to you, Lord Andrew Charles." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Barbara is taking care of Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain." Lady Karissa explains.

"Listen here sucker if you want a fourth child you better do what I tell you or you will have to settle for three children." Lady Karissa explains.

'I know Lord Frederick William Howard and Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and JR will travel out to see the new grandchild of the Duke of Suffolk, but the duty falls upon you." Lady Karissa explains.

Lord Andrew Charles offers Lady Karissa his arm and they walk down the stairs and they head out to the carriage and they walk out of Beltane Manor and climb into their carriage and Lord Andrew Charles helps Lady Karissa get into their carriage.

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