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Something I forgot to mention before because I am currently writing like five stories and my brain is far from organized lol. Buttt depending on the tier, is what color their outfit is. So think of Anakins outfit in the institution as a dark red jumpsuit; like the color of blood. Symbolic.
Green tier=Green Jumpsuit
Blue tier=Blue Jumpsuit

2.7k words

Okay now enjoy ♥️

(y/n)'s POV
"You look very beautiful today," Anakin commented before I could speak.

I furrowed my brows as I clicked my pen, "Thank you?" I spoke with uncertainty as I looked down to my basic attire that was mostly covered by a white coat. Plus I hardly put any makeup on, I woke up later than usual and was almost late to work today. Even Jackson told me that I looked atrocious.

Anakin smirked as he leaned forward on the table, the chains connected to his cuffs scraped against the metal table as he moved, "It's the naturality; it suits you. A woman with a face like yours doesn't need makeup," He spoke the word like it was a disgusting bug with an eye roll, "You shouldn't mess with perfection sweetheart."

I was a little stunned by his words. I wasn't used to being complimented. I hardly ever received them, even from my own fiancé, "I-I'll keep that in mind," I smiled shyly before glancing down at my notebook, and opening it to a new page.

"You seem unsettled," He caught my attention again while I was writing down today's date; I glanced up without moving my head, and met his crystal blue eyes, "Do you not receive compliments often?" He asked as he tilted his head.

I cleared my throat as I awkwardly looked back down to the paper, even though I wasn't writing anything, "Yeah all the time. I'm just not comfortable with my patients being the one to give them." I spoke confidently with my lie.

He chuckled amusedly; causing me to look back up, and lean into my chair as I tapped my pen on the paper. All without taking my narrowed eyes off of him, "How disappointing," He rolled his eyes before glaring at me, "I thought you would be more honest today."

I sighed as I stoped the tapping and dropped the pen down, "Look, I am your psychiatrist, not the other way around. So the questions are reserved for me, but I have come to learn that you're a very stubborn man due to your curious mind. So I have an offer," I smiled while I grabbed my iced coffee that sat next to me, and took a quick drink to help wake myself up. I hardly got any sleep last night, and not for anything fun either, I was up all night with Jackson; arguing.

Anakin watched me the entire time with intrigue, "You've got my attention Doc, what's this offer?" His eyes slowly trailed down to my slightly exposed cleavage and I held in an eye roll at his obvious venereal thoughts.

"Not at all what's on your mind right now Anakin," I chuckled; prompting his eyes to snap back up to mine, a devious smirk played on his lips, "Cooperate with me and answer the questions I have for you honestly, no games; and you have one pass to ask me anything you want and I'll answer truthfully. But only one question per session."

This may seem like an odd deal to some, but I know enough to be confident that this will work with him. I'll get my answers, and he'll give in because his curious nature will forbid him from declining. Also I made sure to use the right word choice that would appeal to him. I said 'anything', and a mind like his will consider that to be irresistible, despite me limiting him to only one.

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