Chapter Six

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What's going on? Jungkook hyung and Tae hyung both ran out of my room after making sure I did as I was told. I try to slow my breathing and focus on the shield wrapped around me. Weaving in intricate lines; giving itself for one thing and one thing only- my protection. I'm terrified. It's almost like that's all I can be right now. Scared. I can hear fighting coming from outside.

Who is here?

Is it more Rogues?

Are they okay? All of my hyungs are out there! Did Hoseok hyung find a safe place to hide? Is he fighting? He can't fight. He doesn't even know how to throw a proper fucking punch. I can't fight either... Namjoon hyung can teach Hobi hyung when he teaches me. I gasp as I suddenly hear Jin hyung scream desperately, "Get them from His Highness' door! At any cost!"


I want my hyungs. I want them here. I want to hug them. I don't know when I looped the other five in with my Hobi hyung but their mine. I can't let anything happen to them. I won't. 

I can hear thundering steps coming closer, grunts of pain intermediately between each step, before I hear a large crash. The silence that comes after is deadly. Almost like no one understands what just happened. But the steps continue, stopping short of the closet door. 

I take in a deep breath. Every time I have used a Gift I was scared. Scared and felt like all the control was slipping right through my fingers. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing or what was going on. Right now I'm scared but more importantly- I'm angry. My hyungs are out there. One (or more) of them might be hurt. They're fighting to keep me safe. They could be killed protecting me all because I don't know how to protect myself. I'm supposed to be a leader. I'm supposed to be a King. I'm supposed to be strong.

Yoongi hyung might be strength but I can be strong too. 

I'll be strong because my hyungs need me to.

The door jiggles as whoever is on the other side fights with the lock. I close my eyes and picture the mystery attacker suspended in the air. I picture a impenetrable ball surrounding them ensuring there is no escape. I wrench my eyes open just as the door does. I watch as a burly man flies up as a dark red translucent ball wraps around him securely. His hair is a soft blonde, he has dark blue eyes, and a scar that starts under his eye and curves down his cheek. Anger is written on his face as he yells, "Put me down you fucking idiot!"

I glare as Jungkook hyung comes around the corner. Letting my shield drop I stand and spit out, "Shut up." I can feel power lacing my voice as he freezes. He continues to talk but his mouth only moves- devoid of sound. "How many of you are there? How many attacking The Castle as this moment?" He refuses to answer. His mouth slams shut even as his body tries to fight his mind. Fight to answer the question. "I want an answer. Or would you rather I turn you into the jackass you are?"

He glowers (if looks could kill,) "Three."

"Why are you here?"

He grits out through clenched teeth, "We're here to take down a corrupt hierarchy." 

I can tell he's not saying everything, finding a way to tell me what I ask to know without revealing all of their plans. But corrupt? How is the monarchy corrupt? It's not like there's a single family at power. It goes to the one born for it. It's a birthright that doesn't include familial lines or blood.

Jungkook hyung skirts around the man to come stand by me. He sets his hands on my hips, "Set him down slowly baby. Keep him trapped in the Bubble." Is that what it's called? Nodding I do as he says. Lowering him I focus on the Bubble staying around him. And if the red becomes glaringly redder I didn't mean for it to. I blush as Jungkook hyung presses closer. The bulge from earlier still prominent. Once the man is safely (is he really safe with how Jungkook hyung is staring him down) on the ground he whispers, "When I get close drop the Bubble. I'll cuff him with the Gift suppressing cuffs. The other two have already been captured and taken to a cell. Once we have him you'll be safe again." He sighs softly, "Tae-ah and I will come right back."

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