Chapter Three

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When I get home hyung was asleep on the couch. It took a few minutes to wake him up and make him go to bed. I wish Hobi hyung wouldn't stay up to wait for me. He loses good sleep when he does, I don't want him to get sick because of me. 

Like I said: hyung worries too much.

I'm glad that the shield healed me. If it hadn't Jungkook hyung would have taken me to Seokjin hyung. I already owe him so much after he saved my hyung, I can't owe him two lives. Even though Seokjin hyung said that I should not worry about any type of payment. I mean, he saved my hyung's life.

My hyung, who lights up a room just by walking into it. The man feeds me strawberries just because I had a bad day. He visits his grandparents' graves on the tenth of each month (their anniversary is May tenth,) to clean, leave flowers, and update them on his life. My hyung is a light this world is not ready to lose.

A light I'm not ready to lose.

I don't understand how I'm Gifted- or why for that matter, but I'm going to find someone to teach me. I'm not going to tell hyung about my Gift just yet, in case everything was a fluke- which it could be. I mean I've spent my whole nineteen years thinking I was normal. Well, as normal as a gay Korean man can be.

I love the fact that Gifteds are out in the open. Since then South Korea has legalized LGBTQ marriage. The day the president gave his speech I cried. I cried because I was so relieved. I knew it wouldn't change or fix everything. Nothing can end homophobia. It was just the step forward I'd been waiting for. The step forward all those like me had been praying, begging, and screaming for.

President Min Yunho stands at the podium with a soft smile. He's dressed in a dark blue pinstripe suit, his greying hair is in its usual combover, and he's wearing... is that... a rainbow tie? That's odd. His advisor slides in, standing on his left. Every reporter is silent as they wait for the President to start speaking.

"Good evening," his deep baritone, thick with Busan roots, rings out. "I'm sure you're curious as to why I've gathered you here today." He sighs before looking over at his advisor, who looks like he's swallowed a hundred lemons. Looking back at the cameras he says, "I'm legalizing gay marriage. All those in the LGBTQIA+ community will have the equal rights they deserve."

I gasp in shock as the reporters yell out. Question after question being shouted at the president, confused as to why. Confused as to how. The president lets chaos reign until he decides to hold his hand up- stopping all noise.

"Gifteds have been out in the open for a year now. In just a year our life has changed drastically. We, as a People, have had to learn and grow. We've had to accept a People we can't understand. A People we have fear of. They were born different. Born to be something special. Does that sound familiar?

Those in the LGBTQIA+ community... they're born differently too. They're born to be who they are or they're born in the wrong body. Who are we to tell them it's unnatural? Those born straight and in the correct body are lucky. We've never had to fear. Fear because of who we love. When I go home I don't fear a neighbor seeing me kiss my wife through the window. I don't fear them outing me to my coworkers or family. I don't fear the fact I can love.

It's wrong. Wrong for anyone to hold that fear. It's horrible to fear something so innate.

I'd like to apologize. I'd like to beg you for your forgiveness. I was voted in as president because I promised to always have your best interest in heart during my term. I have ignored your needs for too long. Why? All because I believed the propaganda I was fed by my family, peers, and elders. The propaganda given to every generation. The propaganda we believe because we are given no other options." The president steps to the side of the podium. He bows ninety degrees before taking one last look at the reporters, "From this day on you are allowed freedom. The freedom you deserve. The freedom of love. A freedom no one should have taken from you. I should have never withheld it for this long. You're still my people."

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