You're cute when you scream.

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My feet brushed against the edge, the wind dancing through my toes, which dangled over the empty road, and dumpsters. I took a deep breath, and arched my back against the brick wall. My feet were balancing on about ten centimetres of ledge, I was slipping.

I was on the fifth story of an apartment building. I'd crawled out the window and now I was balancing on the side of the building. I could see the whole city from this view, but I couldn't bear to look down at what was right under me. I'd probably slip.

I exhaled my deep breath, and shakily pushed my wild hair to the side again.

Come on, Gabriella, You can do this.

But I couldn't. I was afraid. With every breath I took, I could feel the fear grow, and my body tense.

Why was I so scared? I shouldn't be scared.

I mentally slapped myself. Gabriella, you don't GET afraid. I wouldn't let myself be afraid. I had to get this over with before someone found me...

Just do it!

With a scream tearing through my throat, I jumped, and fell from the huge building.


Spencer's POV

I walked through the hallways of the prison. All around me, people were screaming, and reaching out. The hallway itself was warm, and the walls and floors were all reddish brown and dim. I covered my ears to block out the annoying pained cries of all the people, until I finally made it to the end of the hall, to the boss's office.

I turned around, waved goodbye to all the prisoners, and stepped into the dark room, closing the doors and silencing the screams behind me. This was a horrible place. I smirked. I loved it. You could feel all their pain. No wonder the boss decided to put his office right here. He enjoyed it, knowing that he controlled all these poor people.

I looked up into the darkness at the chair that he was sitting in, awaiting for him to give me orders. Suddenly his hand whipped to the side, and a paper was chucked at me. I reached out reflexively and caught it. Nothing was on it, but a picture.

It was a picture of a human girl. She had long brown hair, teased, with choppy side bangs, and barely wore any makeup. The picture was of her walking somewhere along the street. She was cute, and she looked harmless. What the fuck did hell want with her?

I opened my mouth to ask, when the boss cut me off with his deep, hissy voice.

"That is Gabriella Grey." He stated, sounding angry.

I nodded. Okay. She even had an innocent name. What the hell could she possibly do to piss off hell this much?

"And what did she do?" I asked, raking a hand through my hair awkwardly.

Whenever I had a meeting with the boss like this, it made me so uncomfortable, just being in the devil him self's presence, was enough to drive someone insane with nervousness.

I gulped, as he responded.

"She should be here, rotting in hell right now. However, for some reason that bitch just can't die." He snarled.

I cocked an eyebrow. "The fuck? Can't die? What's that supposed to mean?"

The devil took a deep breath, and tapped his bony fingers against the seat.

"She just doesn't seem to die. She can get stabbed, she can drown, she can do anything deadly, but for some reason, no matter how severe the injury, she just comes back to life every single time. And I don't like how she's escaping us. She's just out of our reach, and I want her. So your job is to bring her to me. I need her. She's very...special" He smiled. Though his chair was facing the opposite direction of me, I knew he was smiling.

He needed this girl. I didn't know why, but she was going to be very important.

That's why he enlisted me- his main man, the best and strongest demon out of them all to go find her. Though, she seemed like a pretty easy target. Just a weak human girl.

"I'll do it." I smirked, about to leave, when I was stopped.

"Wait Spencer, I'm sending two more demons to accompany you. James, Trent, come now." He spoke clearly, power in his voice. Suddenly two male teenagers, my age walked through the doors and stood beside me.

James, I knew. He was a bug guy, with shaggy black hair and bright blue eyes. We were buddies. And he was amazingly strong, so he'd be able to get the job done. I reached my arm out and we hit fists, smirking.

"It's about time I was sent on an actual mission!" He yelled.

But it was the other guy that caught my attention. His hair was pale blonde, and fell over his face in a slight shag. His skin was snow white, and his eyes were bright red and bloodshot. He looked amused, instead of serious.  Just looking at him gave me the chills, I'd have to find out this guys story.

"You guys have two weeks. Bring me the girl!" The devil yelled, and with a wave of his hand, dismissed us.

I sighed, and walked out side by side with the two guys until we made it out of the castle, toward the giant black gates that would bring us to the real world.

"Okay, let's just get this done as fast as we can alright. Satan seems really serious about this one, and I don't wanna be in shit for fucking it up, kay?" I said to them.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can do both." James smiled. I smirked, and shook my head. James could never be absolutely serious at anything.

"Okay, so we make this fun instead." I winked.

Trent just stood there, not talking, smiling softly, looking unfocused.

"Trent? What do you say?" I asked. He looked up and his smile grew wider.

"The girl is mine." He stated, and walked ahead to the gates.

I looked at James nervously. He twirled his finger beside his ear.

"He's crazy. Don't worry about it, let's go man." He patted me on the back and we all ran toward the gates, to leave hell and find Gabriella Grey.


Gabriella's POV

I woke up, my body aching all over. I rolled over onto my stomach and surveyed my surroundings. I was right after all. I didn't die.

My clothes were dirty and torn; I was lying in a pool of blood, but with no cuts on my body. This was incredible.

I leaned up with a start, and pushed my bangs back. What did all this mean? And what would happen now?

I guess I would find out...


A/N: Please give me feedback if you like it-so I know whether or not I should continue J thankyou! BYE

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