Chapter One

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It was the night before the first day of sophomore year. I was sitting in my brothers room reading my book while he was doing some workout to get ready for lacrosse tryouts this year. He thinks he's going to make first line. Personally I don't think he will but, hey, a guy can dream. Or in Scott's case, a boy.

I was getting quite bored of my book to be honest. I was reading the first book in the 'Twilight' series and honestly Bella should just shut up at this point. How could she just go off and marry Edward. Like come on Bella.

I closed my book and glanced up at Scott who was doing pull ups on the door frame of our bathroom that connected our rooms to each other. "Hey Scott, don't you think you should be getting to bed? I thought you wanted to get a good nights sleep for lacrosse tryouts tomorrow." At my words Scott jumped down from doing his pull ups and wiped some sweat from his forehead. "Well dearest sister, I want to make sure I'm fully prepared. Besides, we only live about ten minutes away from school, so we don't need to get up that early."

I jumped up from his bed and started to make my way out of his room. "Well I'm going to bed. Because unlike you, I don't want to be tired on the first day of school." I was halfway out the door when a sound came from outside on the front porch. Scott and I looked at each other with worried expressions on our faces. "Good, I'm not the only one who heard that." I said while still looking at Scott. He moved to grab his bat from the corner or his room. "Stay here Anita, I'm going to go check it out."

I scoffed at his words. "Like hell you are, I'm not staying here so I can wait for you to be murdered." As I said that I followed behind Scott as he walked down the stairs of our house to the front door. When we got to the front door we opened it and made our way out onto the porch. We got to the end of it when someone's face popped down from the roof. We all screamed at the same time, very loudly may I add. I was about to speak when Scott beat me to it. "Stiles! What the hell are you doing?!" I looked at Stiles waiting for him to answer. "You weren't answering your phone!" He took a glance at the bat in Scott's hand. "And why do you have a bat?!" I gave Stiles a 'duh' look. "Stiles you idiot we thought you were a predator."

Stiles looked at me then back at Scott. "A pred- what? That's besides the point. Look I know it's late but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called, they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Hills Department, and even state police." I looked at Stiles with a questioning look before Scott asked, "For what?" Stiles had that stupid smirk on his face when he answered. "Two joggers found a body in the woods." I glanced at Scott before looking to Stiles. "Wait, a dead body?" Stiles looked at me when I said that with a 'really' look. "No a body of water, YES a dead body."

"Well jeez, someone's in a cranky mood this fine night." I spoke while glancing around our block to make sure no one was looking. I always get these feelings that someone is watching me and it creeps me out. I know that most of the time I'm being paranoid but still, it won't hurt to make sure. 

When we all just stood there for a good minute in silence, Stiles spoke up. "Well come on. We're going body hunting." I looked at Scott then back at Stiles. "Oh hell no. I am going to sleep because tomorrow is the first day of school, and let me remind you, Lydia will not be happy if I don't wear a decent outfit." Yes, I'm best friends with Lydia Martin the queen bee of Beacon Hills High School. We don't talk that much but, she still cares about me and I care about her.

Before I knew it I was being dragged by both Scott and Stiles to the backseat of his jeep. "Guys! What the hell, I seriously want some sleep." They both looked at me as if I were crazy. Scott turned back to Stiles when he started speaking. "Oh come on Anita, don't you want to hang out with your best friend in the whole wide world?" He looked at me with those adorable hazel eyes of his. Omg, did I just call his eyes adorable? No. Why am I just now realizing this. Stop it Anita. "Yes, I would love to hang out with you Stiles, but not right now. Because right now I WANT TO SLEEP." I screamed at him. Well that didn't work because he started the jeep and off we were.

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