Everythings fine...or so i pretend

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Neymar Pov

I sat around my lawyers and my parents and sister, all eyes glued on me as we sat on the chairs

"What where you thinking hitting a model in the face?" My mother said in shock

"Maybe if he picked a mans job" I mumbled

"Neymar this isn't funny you in a lot off trouble" one off my lawyers said

"He reported assault and with your record things aren't going your way"

"What has neymar ever done anyways?" Rafaella said laughingly

My innocents sister had no idea the kind off man I really am.

"Yeah.. what have I ever done" I said innocently

"Not appearing during a scheduled court appearance on a set date and time
Not reporting to your probation officer at the scheduled time or place
Not paying any required fines or restitutions (to victims) as ordered by a court
Visiting certain people or places, or traveling out of state without the permission of your probation officer
Possessing, using, or selling illegal drugs;
Committing other crimes or offenses; and
Getting arrested for another offense, regardless of whether criminal or not." He finished

"I would have paid the fines but the girl I cheated on threw them out before I could" I said shaking my head

"You had a parol officer?!" Rafa shouted

"it was along time ago honey" Mom said

"You knew about this??" She said

"We didn't want you to know"

"So this whole time you've been calling him the perfect son, but neymar is nothing but perfect" she whispered

"I'm kind off perfect" I said smirking

"Neymar this isn't funny" my dad growled

"Poor little rafa, doesn't even know her brother hooked up with half off her friends... most off those girls pretended to be your friend because off me... no offence" I laughed

"News flash neymar not everything is about you" Rafa said

"Really? Come on I'm the perfect kid got our parents everything got you everything you Should be thanking me for your lifestyle" I said rolling my eyes

Rafa slammed her hand on the table making everyone look at her as she stood up she glared at me and shouted

"Yeah because it's good to be a father at nineteen and cheat on multiple woman couldn't even keep blair for two freaking seconds without screwing it up now could you neymar perfect fucking junior" Rafa yelled

"rafaella sweetie why don't you wait out side"

Rafaella grabbed her bag and stormed out off the room I sat up properly and sighed I didn't mean to offend her

"Neymar we think you might need to sleep in a cell tonight to learn you can't go around hitting people" my lawyer said

"If your not going to do your job I'll take my money else where" I said annoyed

"I was joking" the man said nervously scrambling papers

I looked at my mom who looked worried

"I'm sorry mom" I said shaking my head

"For what honey?" She said smiling

"For being that screw up kid you never wanted" I said looking down

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