Sex with the wrong twin!

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"Nothing says under aged drinking like a red plastic cup" I say taking the cup off neymar

"Your underage ?" He shouts "no way"

"Maybe pedophilia is okay nowadays" I joke "im nineteen"

"Early twenties is hardly pedo" he smiles

"Hey neymar" I say in a sing type voice

"Yeah ?" He says sipping his drink

"Would you hate me if I told you I don't like this party" I say biting my lip

"It's fun" he says jumping up and down

"This isn't really my type off place, but you can stay here I'll just go home" I say hugging him

"No don't leave" he says hugging me tightly

"I'll see you tomorrow" I say

He nodded and I walked away I turned around to say bye but their where three girls around him laughing he looked like he was enjoying himself so I just left I went outside and felt a cold breeze hit my face I looked at my phone and went through my pictures Carly and I always took photos off each other she would off loved being here she would off loved living

"Carly?" I hered a deep voice

I turn my head in shock he didn't just call me Carly's did he?

"Excuse me?" I say looking a the man "you got the wrong person"

"Shit sorry I thought you where my sister" he says digging the picture in his pocket

"Can I see that?" I ask the stranger

"Why?" He asks

"Maybe because I can help if I know who your looking for"

He looker around eighteen maybe seventeen he has brown hair and dark brown eyes he also had a pale complexion he hesitantly gave me the photo that was folded I opened it

"Oh" was all I could manage to say

In the picture their was me but how? I don't know this guy I don't know him and I never wore that outfit but that's me well my face

"When was this taken?" I ask my voice shacking

"Last week" he says calmly

"That's impossible that's me!" I shout "why the heck don't I remember this?"

"Maybe because it wasn't you" he snatches the photo back

"Well unless I have a freaking doppelgänger" I laugh "or your some kind off a freak stalker"

"Carly is my sister and your not Carly you have the same face as Carly" he mumbled

"Your not funny" I shout "Carly is my twin sister"

He looked at me in shock "but that's impossible"

"Im sorry she passed away four years ago" I had tears in my eyes "why would you do this? Is this some kind off a sick joke?"

"What... No I would never joke about Carly" he says "something terrible has happened I can't find her"

"Your lying do you have proof" I say whipping my. Tears

"I have videos"he says getting out his iPhone

I grabbed his phone and saw Carly jumping around laughing "Ethan how weird would it be if i won at the game you just invited"

"Highly impossible" he says laughing

The video stopped

"Errr i I I I don't understand" I say

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