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Two front headlights brightly shined as a white Ute drove through the rocky path with an incredible amount of speed. The big Ute halted to a quick stop on the side of the driveway and next to the vehicle was the woods, it was dark, foggy and gloomy since it was the middle of the night. A man stepped out of the drivers' seat and opened the trunk of the car to drag a petrified and screaming boy out into the woods.

The boy tried his best to fight back, desperately begging to go back into the Ute but unfortunately the little boy was no match for the man who was physically stronger. The man, wearing brown combat boots and a black shirt, forced the boy onto the hard and rocky gravel before entering the car and speeding off into the distance abandoning the poor boy to survive the night in the dark and mysterious woods. 

"Dad, don't leave me here! I don't want to be left alone!" The little boy yelled in fear, wishing the car would turn back. "Don't leave!"

The boy looked back into the dark woods trembling from the cold, he was now left alone by his own parents. Never he had imagined that someone would leave him to starve and survive in the woods, let alone by himself. Never he had imagined that his own parents would do such a thing, he questioned what he did wrong for his parents to leave him behind just like that without any explanation. 

The boy gripped his hands tightly around his arms and stroked them preventing himself from shivering from the cold winds of the woods. Beads of tears left his eyelids as he walked in between the trees that made a wide yet narrow path leading into the depths of the woods. 

"Help!" The little boy screamed, hoping that someone would hear his scream for help even though he knew that it was impossible for someone to hear his call in the middle of the night. "Help me! Someone please!" 

"I'm scared," he whimpered. The boy walked further into the woods, the further he went, the colder it got. His mouth started to quake, he felt dry skin form onto his lips as he touched his numb mouth with his fingertips that had frostbite. "Help me." 

"Someone help," his voice lowered down as his energy got drained bit by bit. He exhaled with a visible puff leaving his mouth due to the weather. "Please—" 

The boy took one last breath before he collapsed onto the hard and rocky path, leaving him unconscious. The boy was abandoned and now had to be forced to survive the cold night, he laid flat onto the ground as the freezing dry weather drained his last bits of energy.

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