Chapter 3

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*1:53am* my phone rang

"Hey it's Alix,I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday at the ice cream shop I just......

I wasn't in the mode to listen to her anymore so I hang up and I went to sleep like a normal person.


Alix perspective

"Hey it's Alix,I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday at the ice cream shop I just......" I said until he hand up without saying a word.

The next morning I had to take the bus,Ashton never came to pick me up,he didn't even talked to me all school, in the afternoon I called him.

"Hey Ashton, I want to talk to you meet me at the mall at 6 o'clock" I said

"K" Ashton said

I was so exited because Ashton said yes!

It was 6:30pm and he didn't came then 7o'clock and he never came I called him but he didn't answer, so I called to his house.

"Hey it's Alix is Ash home?" I asked

"Yes,but he said he doesn't want to talk to you" Ashton mother said

P.s I Iove you (Ashton Irwin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now