Hopeful love Part 3

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3rd person's POV

"Oh no, you don't." She heard Nathaniel from behind as she felt a grip again. She turned. She was back to being mean Chloe again.  
"What do you want tomato boy," she asked annoyed.  Nathaniel didn't expect her to get angry but didn't give up. He pulled Chloe closer to him. He knew she likes compliments. 
"Oh Chloe. Don't be angry. You look pretty when you aren't." He whispered. Chloe flushed bright red.  
"What do you want, Kurtzberg." Chloe asked in a more polite tone. Nathaniel immediately pulled her hoodie sleeves up, exposing the cuts. 
"What is this Chloe. Why are you doing this to your body?" He raised his tone. She immediately let her grip of from Nathaniel and brought her hand towards her body. 
"That's nothing. I fell down." She muttered as she looked down.  
"Chloe you are telling me why you didn't come to school? Why you look so skinny? What did you cut yourself. What happened to you. I care about you, Chloe. You can trust me." He said soothing giving Chloe the jitters. Did she hear correctly? Nathaniel caring for her? 
"I am not getting away with this aren't I?" Chloe squeaked. Nathaniel shook his head. Chloe sighed and cried what she felt to Nathaniel. Every word she said, Nathaniel felt the pain and wondered is this the girl who bullied people in school.  
They walked towards the nearest restaurant as she continued. Nathaniel patted her in the back comforting her. They both sat in the shop as Nathaniel ordered food for Chloe. Maybe she wasn't alone? She wasn't alone as she thought. She had Nathaniel. 
"Don't worry Chloe. I am hear for you. I am hear to listen to you when you need. Now it this. You need energy. I can't bear to see you like this." Nathaniel said as he ushered the food towards Chloe. Touched by Nathaniel's word and action, she started eating. She felt so much better.  
She loved him. He loved her. However, they didn't know. As Chloe ate her food, Nathaniel admired her. They finished eating.  
"Thank you, Nathaniel," Chloe said as she pulled him to a tight embrace. As she hugged him, Nathaniel took in the scent of her hair while she took the wafting smell of his cologne. They let go as Nathaniel smirked, "How did you like our date?"  
"D-date?" Chloe asked as she blushed profusely, looking down. 
"Yeah. It was, wasn't it?" His smirk was still on as he leaned forward. He came closer to kiss her nose but just then Chloe lifted her head up, connecting their lips. Both were shocked, as the they flushed deep red from the tip of their nose till their mouth.  
Their eyes locked as cobalt blue met turquoise. He took the first step as he snaked his hands around Chloe's waist and kissed her, giving her shivers. He pulled her closer deepening the kiss. Chloe was even more shocked but after a while started kissing him back. They parted after a few minutes for air. But their eyes remained locked. 
Nathaniel just had one last question... 
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously, thinking she might reject him. 
Instead she smiled so bright and said, "Yes!" 
And they kissed again, more passionately. 

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