Kimdine | The tournament

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Suggested by: JayXLonnie525
I enjoyed writing this oneshots. So Jude Trussardi is actually someone in Ondine's school. He has a crush on Ondine, not knowing that she already has a boyfriend.

Jude Trussari, a real smitten for the love of his life. It was just something about her that made his heart skip a beat. Well, it wasn't like he knew her.

He wasn't her friend but she was just so attractive, kind and helped everyone. She helped him. It was love at first sight and this pure boy didn't know who he was pinning for. He loved her and he was going to confess to her on that fateful day, not knowing what was ahead of him.

3rd Person's POV

Today was just like any other day, except it was the day Jude was going to confess to his lover and the day things will take a better turn for Kim and Ondine.

It was the finals of national rugby tournament. The competition between two rival schools, Collège Françoise Dupont and Collège Marie Curie. This year, the rugby tournament was taking place in Collège Marie Curie due to the huge size of their rugby pitch.

Ondine was really excited for this day. Her school and her boyfriend's school were going to compete. She giggled at the thought.

As a matter of fact, the annual tournament in the nation was what brought both of them together, not in rugby but in swimming. Ondine was great at swimming, the best in the entire school.

Kim, well, he was good at everything - at least he thought he was the best. That was until Ondine beat him in the 100m swimming race. He instantly fell in love with. This was their love story.

Today, Kim too was competing in the rugby tournament. He competed in every tournament. Both Kim and Ondine were over the moon. Ondine couldn't stop smiling. She had a surprise for her boyfriend.

Ondine found the best seat to watch Kim playing rugby. He was a ripped man with defined abs. His six-pack body was visible, even under a layer of clothing. Ondine loved his olive skin and gray eyes. His black hair with the ends dyed gold, styled into a sharp quiff was her most favourite.

The game started and Ondine couldn't seat still on her seat, neither could Jude. He was looking at Ondine from a distance. He didn't like sports - even that was an understatement. He loathed sports but he was there just for Ondine. Jude had his eyes glued on her hands.

Every time Collège Françoise Dupont scored a point, Ondine would quietly cheer from her seat. However, when their own school scored a point, there would be a playful pout etched on her face. Jude was confused but that was the many things he liked about her. She was crazy and funny too.

Jude squirmed in his seat as time went by. He was going to confess right after the tournament. He tapped on his lap nervously as he clenched on to the bouquet her bought earlier. The other hand was occupied by a box of chocolate. Beads of perspiration rushed down his forehead with hand he was holding the bouquet.

Some people looked at him weirdly. Which girl would want to date a guy whose flowers are coated by his sweat? You see, he isn't necessarily liked by everyone in class. He was weird and just a bit different from everybody else. No one appreciated him but then, there was Ondine - kind to everyone, like an angel.

But Jude always wondered why she didn't date anyone. No one really asked her out.

The match was ending soon and Jude was getting even more anxious. Jude's mind went blurry as he focused his eyes on Ondine.

"The winning team for the Annual National Rugby Tournament 2022 is Collège Françoise Dupont." The host shouted with his loud microphone. Jude was abruptly came out of his trance-like state. He then saw Ondine smiling widely at that. Jude looked at her and shrugged as he sighed dreamily.

The moment of confession!

Jude found Ondine slowly standing up from her seat and walking down towards the gate of the pitch. He followed her quietly behind her. His heart rate increased as he walked towards Ondine. He squeezed his gifts behind his back.

As he reached towards Ondine, he called out to her. "H-hey O-Ondine!" Jude said. "O-oh, Jude!" Ondine replied, turning towards him with a confused look. But before anything to progress further, Kim came in sight. He hovered over the poor boy, making him shiver and also saving him from humiliation.

Jude watched the boy furrowing his eyebrows as he stared straight into his soul. Kim slid his hand around Ondine's waist, making her squeal and blush as his pecked Ondine on the lips. Jude gulped and his heart sank at the sight.

"O-oh! I want you to meet my boyfriend, Kim," Ondine chirped happily as he hugged Kim. "Babe, this is Jude, a friend." Ondine said, her voice as angelic as ever. Kim smirked at Jude slightly, eyeing him up and down. Jude bit his tongue and he felt like running away form there.

"So you wanted tell me something, Jude?" Ondine asked. "N-nothing, I just wanted to say hi," Jude said, dejected and downhearted. Ondine just smiled widely in response.

"School is over for the rest of the day. Wanna go somewhere?" Kim asked, annoyed at the situation. He was just wasting time. "Yeah!" Ondine shouted happily. Why was she so happy?

Jude was heartbroken. He sunk as he looked at them walking away happily. He was really scared after Ondine introduced Kim to him. He knew he had to stay away. But surprisingly, it didn't hurt as much as he expected. Judy just shook his head and chuckled sadly.

On the other hand, Kim and Ondine were so ecstatic. A few hours passed.

"Tell me," Kim asked. "Tell you what?" Ondine said, pretending that she didn't know what was going on. "Don't play dumb. You've been way to excited in the past few hours," Kim replied, raising an eyebrow. Ondine just started squealing out of the blue.

"I'M TRANSFERRING TO YOUR SCHOOL!" Ondine screamed, letting the whole world hear. As soon as the words left her mouth, Kim broke out into a wide grin and started twirling Ondine around like a married couple. "Really!?" Kim asked in disbelief. Ondine nodded her head slowly.

"Now I can introduce you to my friends and you could be best friends with people in my class. And we can spend so much time together. We can study to together. We can seat in class together. We will be-" Kim started rambling until Ondine stopped him with a kiss. Kim flushed at that. Even after months of dating, Kim always blushed when Ondine tells him a compliment or when she kisses him.

"What was that for?" Kim whispered as he turned his head cutely. "You were just being too cute," Ondine grinned, knowing Kim would be embarrassed. She was right.

That evening was sweet one, filled with cuddles, hugs, teases and kisses.

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