Having Fun

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First, he wished for his best friend Milo to be there. "Hey man," said Milo as he had just appeared in the doorway "Hey," said James. Secondly, James wished for teenagers to wear toddler clothing. That chilling feeling swept over him again as his clothes became softer. His black shirt morphed into a paw patrol t-shirt and his pants became overalls with dinosaurs on them. He felt so happy. Then, he looked at Milo who was sporting a shirt with monkies on it, Sponge-bob pants, sketchers light up shoes with velcro straps, and socks with race cars on them. For the third wish, he wished, "I wish that my house would look like a teen toddler boys house and I have a daddy". The cold feeling of reality changing engulfed and his whole house seemed different. First, his bedroom now had a elmo themed twin bed with multiple stuffed plushies on it, he had a Thomas the tank engine themed shelf with picture books placed all over it, a wooden dresser in the corner, and a shark hooded towel hung on the bathroom door. "Wanna go downstairs and watch some paw patrol?" Milo said. James was stunned. Andy's hardcore, punk, stoner friend now wanted to watch paw patrol. James felt excited to get to know his new friend. "Sure!" said James as they both raced down the hallway covered in childish posters and downstairs to the lounge area (which now seemed to be more of a play area than an actual living room) had a large toy box, a dinosaur chair, a blue kids "free time" kindle fire, tv with paw patrol playing, and action figures strewn all over the floor. His jaw dropped. "Hey kids," said a deep male voice coming from the kitchen. It was a familiar yet so distant feeling as it felt like this voice was new but also had been there for a long time. The voice was his "daddy", Sean. "You guys hungry"?. "Yes Please!" Milo said as he ran over to the kitchen table and sat in a blue kitchen booster seat which was oddly sized to his height which made it look like it was needed

. James followed and sat in one as well. Weirdly the seat made him sit far off the ground. "let's get you guys strapped in here" as James's dad strapped them both into the booster seats. It felt a little strange but good at the same time. "Here ya go!" Sean said as he slid over two sippy cups filled with cranberry juice and two grilled cheeses on plastic plates cut up into four slices. "How was your guy's afternoon?" said Sean"Great, we were gonna watch some paw patrol but then you called us," Milo said. Once they finished up the sandwiches, Sean unstrapped them from the high chairs and placed them on the couch in front of the tv, then turned paw patrol on.

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