Understanding the New Reality

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After about 15 minutes, Paw Patrol got boring so they switched it to Blues Clues but that was even more boring. "Milo this is for little kids and we aren't little kids, can we please watch something else like for big boys?" said James. "Oh okay I guess your right. Do you want to watch Thomas?" Milo asked. "Yes!" James exclaimed excitedly. Thomas had always carried a special place in his heart even as he got bigger. Just in case he found it boring, James wished, "I wish teenagers love kids and toddler shows". All of a sudden shows for young kids and toddlers became 100% more interesting and excited then they were before. They watched Thomas for about 30 minutes before James felt a string of liquid run down his leg. All of a sudden Sean walked in and noticed the urine flowing down James leg. "Oh James you were doing so good too, come on lets get you changed out of those dirty underoos and into a fresh pull-up". James obeyed without even thinking but could not comprehend that he had just had his first accident in at over a decade. But at the same time he liked it. "James you were doing so good at your training and you let it slip. Oh well but you do know the rules, one accident and you have to go accident free for a week until you can put your big boy pants back". With that Sean changed James into a Spiderman pull up and sent him back to the tv. "Also James we are going to the mall in fifteen minutes so be ready to leave" Sean said. James was at first terrified that people would judge him but then he remembered he had completely changed reality which calmed him down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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