Part 2- Dreams come true

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* 25 years later *

When the smoke faded I was standing in a graveyard. people around me trying to calm me down. My skin was a bit wrinkled and my hair half white.
What's going on I thought? as I turned around to see who had died.

" Charles Frenendis ... "

A horror rushed down my spine. It was my husband... No wonder the other me wanted to switch places!

NOO! I screamed and rushed out of the graveyard.

I don't want to see this. I don't wanna be here! Please take me back God take me back! I kept screaming. Memories of Charles rushing my mind. All the dreams I had seen. How I had planned our kids' names too but he is gone?
I started crying and praying to go back. Suddenly, the necklace I was wearing started glowing. I clicked it open. It was some kind of time travel portal with today's date 25 years in the future. With pain and anger rushing through my mind I started turning the dial hastily backward.

'That's it! I'm done here! I will not stay here one more ..' but  Then a voice distracted me.

"Mom.."  said the boy behind.

he had Charles's voice. I stopped and turned around to see Charles standing in front of me. Except he had brown hair like me.

"Charles!"   I cried and forgetting about the portal I ran up to him and hugged him. 

" Thank God you're alive"

"Jacob .. "... A girl's voice interrupted.

"Ah yes Leinah she's ok just missing dad," said Charles.

Leinah? Jacob? DAD??. I remembered asking Charles to name our kids that. He wasn't Charles! He was my son!

I stepped back to look at them again. A 20-year-old boy and an 18-year-old girl .. who both had Charles's eyes stared at me with eyes filled up with tears. I couldn't tell them it wasn't me the me they were expecting! But I could feel the pain of losing a father at THAT age. Besides,  me from past or future that was MY fault, not theirs. The mother part of me couldn't see my kids suffer like that.

So I gathered up my strength and smiled back at them. It seemed to be magic. My smile almost put a smile on those kids face too as if I was their real mother.

Wait I AM their mother. I giggled seeing their innocent smiles.

"I'm fine,"  I said wiping my tears. 

"I think we should go home, I need some rest"

Jacob and Leinah both nodded. Jacob wrapped his arm around me, and Leinah took my other hand.

Although I had never gotten a chance to feel how it is to have your own kids in your arms, but having them by my side gave me a weird magical feeling of strength and comfort. It felt like I could face anything, as long as I have them.

For a while, as we walked home, I almost forgot I was living in the world and I had a life. All I could see, All I could feel. All I could think was about them. It felt like they were everything for me and everything I do It just has to be for them!

We walked silently back home!

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