Chapter 3-new people to meet (part2)

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Happy pride month guys! (for me its also children's day so happy children's day as well xD)


~y/n's pov~

The child just stepped back as he said "I was running from Dream help me!" as he finished his sentence he just ran inside but he when he saw me he just stopped and made a weird face. Then he screamed again "AHHHH WOMAN" 

When he screamed that i got scared. I'm afraid when people yell or scream, so i started panic. The child just stared at me about to say something else.. or yell. But technoblade's monotone voice cut him off "well yeahhhhh meet y/n.. i- i found her in the middle of nowhere" At his words, the child came closer asking "are you American?" 

I got somewhat confused but i decided to answer whit the truth "no.. I'm British?" The child just yelled "OH HELL YEAH". With his words i got even more confused. He did had a British accent as well. I looked at techno with a confused look. "he hates American girls" said Technoblade laughing. 

I was curious to see if that child is actually a child so i asked "Well.. uh.. child?.. how old are you anyways?" He looked at me with a quite angry look on his face "IM NOT A FUCKING CHILD, MY NAME'S TOMMY AND IM 17!!" as he yelled these words i started panicking again. I was now shaking. That caught Wilbur's attention. "Tommy you're scaring the poor girl stop yelling" said Wilbur with a quite worried look on his face.

~technoblade's pov~ 

I saw y/n getting scared when tommy yelled. That reminded me: dream was looking for Tommy. I looked on my windows and not goanna lie i was lucky i remembered that. As i saw him i told tommy to hide because dream was coming over. Tommy started panicking. I gave him a invisibility potion and he hid in a box. I heard knocks on my door. I took a deep breath and opened the door to reveal dream.

~y/n's pov~

Everyone seemed scared of this "dream" I didn't knew anything about him so i also started worrying. As technoblade opened the door i saw a tall figure with a green hoodie on. He had a white mask with a smile on it covering half of his face. I could notice his dirty-blonde hair. He was also holding a netherite axe and a shield. 

"Hi techno" the dirty-blonde haired man said. Techno looked at him and said his usual, iconic "hallo". Techno didnt seemed scared or worried, in fact he looked confident, calm and happy. Then this guy, dream, came in. He saw me and looked at me with interest. Techno decided to introduce him to me "So dream.. this is y/n, y/n this is dream". I could see dream growing a smile. Techno seemed too calm and confident and it made me calm down as well. I stared at dream while saying "Hi! its nice to meet you!" Then dream said "Its nice to meet you too" then he looked at technoblade and back at me.

After techno told dream the story of how we "meet" dream decided to ask techno "so.. techno! my dear friend, have you seen tommy around?" I could feel that tommy started shaking wherever he was. Techno just  said  "no, i haven't, i thought you caught him" Dream then looked around a bit but then he decided to give up "alright, well then i have to go keep looking for him, tell me if you find him before me" technoblade just nodded. "Bye! it was nice to meet you, y/n!" said dream before closing the door behind him.

 time passed and me and technoblade got to know each other even better. At this point i could consider him a good friend even tho i just meet him. I didnt really had friends or i didnt even had time to spend whit my friends and it just made me happy to be friends with technoblade. I found out he was actually really caring for his friends or close ones. Then i realized : tomorrow ill have to go back and become that disappointment of a princess, back to that un-caring family and having to take care of my siblings. 

I wish i could run away permanently but if i would do so, the kingdom would go crazy. There would be guards literally everywhere. Probably my parents would start a war and if they would find me i would suffer WAY WAY much more than I already am. I bet when i go back home they will start adding more rules for me because i was missing for a few days. It will be tough when i get back there that's for sure. I hope my parents won't find out. I could run from home more often? i mean i could but.. I dont have where to go. 

Technoblade saw that i zooned out. "hey, y/n, you okay?" he said. Then i came back to reality "oh shit.. I'm sorry!" I decided i had to tell him somehow "so.. technoblade.." he cut me off "You can call me techno or blade, you're.. now.. oh god.. dare i say it.. my friend" I looked at him with a happy look on my face. "Alright! so techno..  tomorrow i will have to leave.. but i was thinking, i could.. of course if it doesn't bother you, i could come over more often. Like i wont be able to come over really often but i could try to come over. The thing is that i dont really know how i got here" I said with a tiny awkward laugh. Then i got embarrassed. 

I just auto-invited myself to his house. I regret a bit what i said. He widen his eyes, staring at me. "I'm sorry, dont feel forced! i dont wanna be a bother plus we just meet a few hours ago and.." i said trying to not be a asshole. A tiny smile grew on his face. "I wouldn't mind, i have a compass which leads to my house, you could have it, plus i can make another anytime" I looked at him, now i felt a bit better. 

"Sure! i would love to" i said exited. I did knew that if i would come here often i might get into big trouble plus i cant tell him about me being a princess.

He got up, looked inside a chest and handed me the compass. "dont show it to anyone please i dont want to get in trouble" he said. I took it. "Thank you! it means a lot" i said, trying to not stay in a awkward silence.

It was already night. I went upstairs in my room, closed the door, changed in some comfy pajamas. and got in bed. All i could think about is tomorrow's day. It will be horrible, even when i get back everyone will be like "THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!". I just want my parents not to find out. I do enjoy spending time with this guy, technoblade.

At night i couldn't sleep so i went downstairs and got a cup of milk. To my surprise techno wasn't in here. He neither went to sleep or went down, in the basement. I got a bit worried but then i saw tommy coming from his room as well. I might had woken him up? hopefully not. 

He came closer to me and asked "what the fuck are you doing here at this time?!" i just said i cant sleep as he took a glass of water and went back up.

I waited a bit but yet still no signal of techno being here. I started exploring the house. after i was done exploring the house, still didnt found techno i went back in the kitchen and sat down on a chair. It had been a long while since i came from my bedroom. Then i heard footsteps coming from the outside door.

When it opened it revealed techno. he had scars on his face and hands. He looked like he just got out of a fight with wolves or something. i went to help him. I helped him clean up form the blood on his hands and face. while i was doing that he asked "why aren't you asleep? you were supposed to be in bed right now" i continued helping him while saying  "i couldn't sleep so i came down for a glass of milk."

after he was done he thanked me and went in his bed room. I decided to stay a bit more before going to bed as well. 

I went upstairs in bed and slowly closed my eyes.

Tomorrow is the day i get back to my horrible life..

Hey guys! author here! i know this chapter isn't really big either but hope you enjoyed! happy pride month and please dont forget that you are an amazing person! im proud of you all! :D

words: 1516

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