Chapter 15 - New bodyguard?

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I just woken up because the noises. It sounded like we have guests.

I got changed as fast as i could In what i was dressed yesterday and went downstairs.

As soon as I got downstairs i noticed my mom was talking to a man in a green hoodie. He had black leggings and a brown belt to which was attached a sword. He had black long gloves and he had a lot of bandages. The backside of his head was covered with the hoodie.

His back was facing me. Indeed he was tall.

"Uhm.. good nothing mother." I said and waited for a answer. The guy turned around, facing me. He had a mask with a smile on it.

wait... isn't that.. HOLLY COW THATS DREAM!

"Hello sweetie, this is Dream, your new bodyguard"

Okay this is great, this..- this is actually great.

"Hello, Dream it's a pleasure meeting you" I said trying to act like i didn't know him   "The pleasure it's mine" he said as he did a tiny bow. "If you are my new bodyguard, i think it's the best if we get to know each other better" i said hoping i would get a few seconds alone to talk to him. "Anything you want." He said while stepping in front.

"Seems like you will get along well, Dream i trust you to take good care of my daughter when Kai isn't around or even when he is around... With this said, i will go read, see you both later" she said and she left to the library.

"Dream what the fuck are you doing here?!" I whisper-yelled at him. "Techno said you need someone to protect you and by what i know you got.. well.. trash people around you, not even your future husband treats you right. Plus he told me he needed me to for your guys plan. He told me the plan but told me not to tell you for some reason? He didn't told me why" he said quietly. I took a second before speaking "Oh so techno told you about.. you know..... Kai.. well and what he offered you to come here, he must have offered something amazing to make you come all the way here and work yourself just to protect me"

The room was silent for about a minute. Not an award silence tho.

"He offered me two enchanted golden apples, a totem of undying and a netherite block but when i heard what Kai did to you and about your parents i just didn't accept anything and came here for free. No one deserves to get through all of these things without someone helping them and supporting them.. i know it's hard but i will be here to protect you don't worry."

Techno offered him so may things just so i would be protected? Holly fuck.. and dream was very very sweet to do this for nothing.

Honestly this made me feel really loved. They did these things for me..

-time skip-

My mother brought me all the invitations so i could write them. The worst part is that i have to hand-write a fuck ton of invitations and remember the address of each person but the good part is that Dream and Nan were helping me.

Soon enough i got the techno's invitation.
I asked dream for techno's and Philza's addresses because i didn't knew any of them.

Sir Billiam,

The royal family would like to inform you, on 24 July, Princess y/n and Prince Kai are going to the next chapter of their relationship. They are making the most important step, known as marring. The wedding starts at 1 PM at the castle, in the main entrance.

-the royal family

(^^^ the invitation)

The only thing i needed to change is the names and the address from the cover.

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