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Yuta POV

"Whose calling me at this time" I said croakily as I got up and picked up my phone, it was 4:00am and the person that called me was... why them. I groaned and picked up the call.

"Why are you guys calling me, it's 4:00am" I said to the couple.

"We're sorry but we have a plan to get Winwin back also open the door quick, we decided to go the busan and didn't realise how cold it would be in the night" Doyoung replied and I went downstairs to open them, in came a shivering Doyoung and Taeil. I turned on the heater and they got warmed up.

"Why couldn't you just go home and tell me at a better time" I said and they shrugged.

"Your house was closer and we were excited about this plan so we wanted to tell you as quickly as possible" Taeil replied and I gestured them to move on.

"What if you did the same thing that bitch did when she drugged you and do it to Winwin so then he will know that you were drugged and didn't kiss her on purpose" I looked at their crazy faces and froze.

"Are you crazy! What type of plan is that, why would I drug him so he can experience what I went through. I'm not doing that" I shouted.

"But it could work and yes you are drugging him however the effect isn't that bad after like you just got a few headaches" Taeil replied and I shaked my head.

"We know you miss him Yuta, you're not hard to read when you saw him yesterday in the car you were grinning so much I seriously thought it was about to break so have the courage to get him back" Doyoung also said and I sighed.

"I don't even think I want to get him back, he looks so happy with friends when we saw them he and his laughed was filled with happiness like he has never sounded so happy even when he was with me so maybe I shouldn't get him back" I said.

"You've have told yourself this ever since you tried to get him back and I know you like the way he was smiling which was nothing like the smiles he gave you hell they looked sadder. The way he smiled at you he looks so happy and I want you to be happy it's so sad seeing you just down because of it" Taeil ranted and we just looked at his red face.

"I'll think about it okay, now please leave I need to work today and I want to get some sleep" I said to them and we stood up.

"Well you didn't even go to work when Winwin was here" I heard Doyoung mumble, why are you two so bitchy all of a sudden.

"Just go" they left and I went upstairs to sleep, finally in my comfortable bed and before I knew I was dozing off.

Doyoung POV

We were back at home and immediately went into our beds to sleep, I was in my slumber but I felt a dark presence next to me. I opened my eyes to see an angry Taeil sitting up and his eyebrows arched down, he was like a mad chihuahua.

"What's wrong Taeil, go to sleep" I said.

"Yuta is so stupid can't he see that Winwin is still heartbroken about the break up but likes him when we saw him he didn't even look that happy when he was with us like he wanted to come to us" the older replied and I chuckled pulling him down to lie on the bed and he looked at me.

"You need to stop going in people business even if you want to make them happy just let them live their miserable life and when they realise they need each other the other one would've already found somebody"

"But I hate seeing Yuta miserable he was so goofy and fun but now he is just moody and boring, just caring about work and school"

"Yeah it's called having a life" Taeil smacked me and chuckled before hugging me.

"I was planning to go to the cafe tomorrow, want to come" I nodded and he smiled.

"I'll go anywhere you wanna go"

"Stop with your cheesy ass but I'm going to the cafe Winwin works at" I immediately looked down at him.

"No im not going to go to the bitch but to go to his friends the ones we saw in the car, I'm fed up of Yuta looking sad so I think they can help us with it if he has already told how horrible Yuta is because he cheated. I hope it works" Taeil explained and I sighed.

"Let us hope it does or then you owe me a morning for wasting my time" I replied and the older hit me which did leave a mark, that hurt.

"Waste your time, all you do is follow me everywhere I go. Bitch suck a dick that will waste your time"

"But I thought you sucked-" he pressed a pillow in my face and I laughed at his red face.

"You're so annoying Doyoung, I'm going downstairs" Taeil left the room and I eventually got of the bed as I fell from laughing in between, I found him on the couch curled up in a ball and he looked like a baby owl sleeping. I cuddled next to him and soon dozed off.


"Why do we need to wear this" I said to my boyfriend as he put sunglasses and a hat on.

"To blend in" he replied and I was still confused as a chicken walking into KFC

"We are standing out by wearing this people are going to give us looks"

"Oh let them look, we are literally a gay couple"

"Okay" I rose my hands and he laughed, Taeil is weird but that's why I love him.

"Let's go before it's too late" he took my hand and we left our house to the cafe Winwin worked out and people were staring at us but we peeked through the window and saw Winwin talking to the two of the guys we saw with him and then leave.

"Come on" Taeil said and we went inside the cafe, one of the boys came up to us and greeted us.

"Hello, what would you like" he said and I was about to speak until Taeil pulled him to a table.

"Is there anything wrong" he said a little scared.

"You know Winwin right" Taeil replied as he took his glasses off and the boy nodded.

"Bring that boy you were talking to" he called him to come over and both of them came then we went outside so Winwin couldn't see us.

"What do you need us random strangers who have told us to come outside" the boy with black hair said and Taeil cleared his throat.

"I'm Taeil and this is my boyfriend Doyoung and Winwin has probably told you about Yuta cheating with him and how he wanted to get Winwin back but that's all wrong, well the drugging part is actually true it was so funny when was in the aftermath-" I bumped Taeil to keep to the story.

"We are telling you because we want Yuta to be happy again as he is so miserable and the only reason he is like this is because of Winwin, he went back to work and he hasn't been there for like three months all because of Winwin so please help us get them two back together" Taeil continued and they just looked at us.

"What, how do you yall know Winwin" the boy in the pink hair said.

"When he was dating Yuta we saw him so we became friends and he never told us he had other friends" I replied.

"And he never told us that he had a boyfriend ofc before we knew" the black haired said.

"But Winwin doesn't like him anymore so nothing is going to work" the pink haired said.

"Winwin does like him I know he does and I have a way to get Winwin to know Yuta didn't cheat" Taeil replied smirking madly.

A/N: Yall I'm so sorry I didn't post yesterday, my mom took my phone off me- but I just stole it and I'm posting now so I'll see you next Monday for sure I will post on time

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