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Taeyong POV

Ten and Johnny relationship skyrocketed after the confession, they spent every single day with each other and never left one by themselves which is weird but cute even though I'm never this intimate with my Jae it's still very cute to see them together.

I was doing my job of sweeping like normal when I heard the door open, I looked and saw Ten come in. That's weird.

"Where is your tree, yall are always together" I said as I went to him.

"He had to something that's all and we don't spend everyday together, I need my personal space" Ten replied and I chuckled going back to my job then Winwin came through the kitchen and saw Ten.

"You're not with Johnny anymore, I actually thought you were stuck to him finally you're not" the younger said and laughed which made Ten glare at us.

"Oh both of you shut up, Taeyong you're just jealous that Jaehyun isn't here I bet he's with another bitch" he did not just say that.

"And you Winwin you don't even have a boyfriend so why do you care huh"

"Why are you so rude all of sudden, are you pissed at Johnny for something he did-"

"You're pissed at me, what did I do" we heard Johnny come to the cafe and Ten stood up before coming to his boyfriend.

"Oh nothing John just you being the best boyfriend ever" he said all cute and giddy making me want to vomit then glared at us while Johnny hugged him and they sat on a table. It was a few minutes later and Johnny could sense something was wrong.

"Is everybody okay" he said and we nodded going back to our jobs, well just me and Winwin, the short bitch was fondling on his hubby.

"Yeah why wouldn't we" Winwin replied.

"Well normally yall make this place a circus because you talk so much and are very loud but now you aren't even speaking to each other, what happened"

"Nothing Johnny and we don't have to talk to each other everyday just like you and Ten don't have to be together everyday" I replied and Ten gasped standing up.

"That's it Taeyong I fucking hate you-" he came to me and started pulling my hair, I screamed as I grabbed his shirt and tried to get him away from him but his grip was too strong.

"Why are you fighting here guys-" Winwin said going in between us but Ten accidentally slapped the taller and i red mark appeared on his face.

"What was that for" he shouted and we snickered at the mark.

"You said I didn't have a boyfriend" Winwin then pulled both of our hairs and a cat fight started between us three, customers were leaving and trying to make us stop but we just kept on scratching each other until I felt a pain in my stomach which made me groan and I stopped as I held my belly.

"Guys stop!" I screamed and Johnny helped me sit down as he knew what happened, soon Ten and Winwin sat next to me and Johnny didn't have a good look on his face.

"What was that all about, yall just started punching each other Taeyong you have a baby growing inside of you and you decide to join in the fight" Johnny huffed out and we all looked down.

"Why were you fighting anyway"

"Them two were saying that I spend to much time with you when Taeyong and Jaehyun do the same thing" Ten said.

"No I don't he isn't even here" I replied glaring at the younger.

"So, when you two began dating you will always go to his room and just stay there until midnight" I groaned at the boys answer.

"So that's what you're fighting about" we slowly nodded and Johnny tried not to laugh.

"I'm sorry what, you three have the best friendship I have ever seen and you're about to break it because you want to stop Ten hanging around with me. That's cute and dumb but me and him can be together as many times as we want, it kinda is our relationship" we chuckled at the last part.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you Ten, now that you have Johnny we are always lonely and yes I also have a boyfriend but Winwin doesn't so it's going to be even more miserable for him. Do you forgive us" I said and me and Winwin had our arms open.

"Yes I do and I'm sorry for being rude to you just because of it. I'm too stubborn" we hugged and laughed at Johnny who slumped on his chair as we stopped arguing.

"Winwin when are you going to find a boyfriend, we already have ours so now it's your turn" Ten said to the younger and he shrugged.

"I don't know, I like being lonely" he replied and we hugged him again, he chuckled and hugged us back.

"You will find you special someone one day and we will here when you find him so he doesn't break your heart like somebody did" we laughed at who Ten was talking about but we didnt see Winwin face change.

Yuta POV

"You're so cute Doyo"

"No you're much cuter Taeil"

"Noo youre the one whose the cutest"

"How you can you say that when you're right here being the cutest there is"

"That's not true when-"

"Can you two stop, I'm concentrating" I shouted at the Doil couple who scoffed at me and I went back to my studies, how did I even befriend you guys you're literally dating don't you have each other to fiddle with.

"You're just mad that Winwin is gone isn't it Doyo" Taeil said and I glared at the couple.

"Yep so good that he broke up with you" Doyoung replied.

"Then both of you leave if you want to see me heartbroken" I went to my door and opened it gesturing them to leave with my hands, they stuck their tongue out before leaving and I shut my door after them. I threw myself on my couch and thought about what they said.

I didn't want to break up with Winwin hell I wanted to marry him but now that's all gone all because of that bitch of a girl, she had to ruin the best relationships I've ever had, somebody who made me happy and all wobbly and just makes my heart burst out in joy just by looking at him but that's never going to happen. Why me.

I got off the couch and went to the bathroom to shower, after that I changed into my pyjamas and immediately rested on my bed. I hope everything goes well tomorrow, I miss you so much Winwin.

A/N: Oop- it's just a short chapter today but the last part is very interesting well that's all I have to say, see you Monday!

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