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hey guys before this chapter starts i would just like to say that i do not know how to write smut so um dont expect any, maybe in the future:)
sorry if u were expecting any!


he plants soft kisses on your neck down to your collarbone

"you smell nice" he says softly, "thanks, im using a new perfume" you say as you flip the both of you, so that youre on the top.

"now, im gonna go change out of this" you say as you get off him, knowing that he wanted more but you couldnt give everything to him that easily right?

you get off him, as soon as ou do he uses his elbows to hold himself up as he throws his head back, letting out a little sigh

you softly laugh as you walk to your closet. pulling out an oversized tee and shorts, you head to your bathroom and decide to leave the door slightly open

you unzip your dress and take it off, throwing on your clothes right after, you turn on the tap and splash your face with water.

you hear footsteps, followed by the bathroom door opening, you dry your face using a towel and look at clay who was leaning on the door frame

"what?" you ask. "you looked so good in that dress" he said. "yeah i know i did" you say sarcastically, you try to walk by clay to get back to your room.

as you were walking away from him, he grabs your arm and pulls you back into him, his hands interlocked behind your back, you bodies pushed up against each other.

he looked down at you as you looked up at him, he leans down just next to your ear, "you cant keep leaving after teasing me" he says in a low, raspy voice.

"but you cant really do anything about it, can you?" you say smiling.

he laughs softly.

"wanna stay the night? we can watch a movie" you say, hoping he would agree.

"of course, i would love to" he says, "let me go get comfier clothes though" he continues.

"ill be back in a bit" he says as he walks out of your room and out of your apartment.

you sit on your bed and lay on your back, "is this really happening?" you mutter to yourself.

you smile to yourself, thinking about everything that happened, wow.

clay finally comes back and you both grab snacks before going to your room to watch the movie.

"what movie do you wanna watch?" he asks. "i wanna watch (urfavouritemovie)" you say excited.

"youre really cute you know" he says as he starts the movie and pulls you close to him.

halfway through the movie your eyes start getting heavy, before you knew it, you were asleep

clay fell asleep soon after, cuddling you.

you eyes flutter open the next morning, sunlight shining into the room, you were under your warm covers in a humid morning.

you turn to your other side, you see a familiar face, clay.

his eyes shut, you could hear soft snores coming from him, hair messy, his skin basically glowing in the sunlight, he looked so peaceful

his arms were wrapped around you, holding you tight and close as if he was protecting you

you place your hand on his jaw stroking his cheek with your thumb, "how did i even pull you" you whisper and let out a little giggle.

you slowly get out of clays hold, trying not to wake him up, you were successful.

you brush ur teeth and tidy up ur hair and head to the kitchen to make breakfast

you put on some slow paced music (a/n play john wayne by cigarattes after sex its good:)

you get everything you need for pancakes and started mixing everything together, you feel a pair of arms wrap themselves around you


he buries his face into your neck, "did you sleep well" you ask

"yeah, the first time i slept well in a long time, i think its because you were there this time" he replied in his raspy morning voice.

you laugh softly as u pour some of the the batter on the pan

"pancakes?" he asks, "yeah obviously, are you blind or something" you say sarcasticly.

"hmm" was the last thing you heard before clay picks you up and places you on the kitchen counter.

he places himsef between your thighs. "clay what are you doing, the pancakes are gonna burn" you say.

he turns off the stove, "the pancakes can wait" he says.

you finally realise that clay was shirtless, keep ur eyes up y/n you think to yourself.

too late. "eyes up her hot stuff" he says smiling

you roll your eyes.

the both of you look into each others eyes, wanting to ask the same question.

"what are we?" you blurt out

"that depends... can i be your boyfriend" he says softly

"hmm maybe.. can i be your girlfriend though" you say

"yes of course you can, is that even a question" he says smiling.

"haha that means we can fuc-" clay cuts you off with a passionate kiss

the end!


this is the end of my second book!
new book coming soon!
<3 u

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