Time for Dinner

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Lan Zhan stands up as Wei Ying approaches the table. He politely nods at the maitre d', who quietly leaves them alone. Wei Ying's breath hitches as he takes in Lan Zhan's navy blue suit, white shirt unbuttoned just so. He has to force himself to look away from the hint of collarbone that is peeking out from under the shirt.

"Hi," Lan Zhan extends his hand towards Wei Ying, who takes it a tad too reverently. Should he kiss it? Like the queen? God knows, Lan Zhan looks regal enough. But Lan Zhan gives his hand a gentle shake and lets go, urging him to sit down.

"Thanks," Wei Ying looks around, taking in the fact that this is a very posh restaurant and he is definitely under-dressed. "This place is very... beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it." Lan Zhan lips quirk but he doesn't smile but that just makes Wei Ying lean in, just a little more, trying to figure how he looks so inviting even without a smile.

Wei Ying runs his hand through his hair, hoping his top knot is in place, after all his nervous touching. He wants to say something but he feels so overwhelmed. He should not be here. This was a mistake. Should he just pretend to have an emergency and leave?

"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan is closer than Wei Ying thought. He can see his eyelashes. Even his individual eyelashes are so pretty and long, oh God. "Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"I know! I should have Googled how up-scale this place was before wearing this stupid sweater!" Wei Ying knows he's rambling, saying some pretty awkward things. "I swear I have a suit, I go to cool places, sometimes-"

"I'm so sorry!" Lan Zhan whips back. "I did not mean it like that! I just meant that you seem unwell, a bit worried?" He looks genuinely horrified at himself. "You look beautiful. You look so, so pretty, like a flower come to life." His eyes go wide and Wei Ying can't help but smile.

"Really?" Lan Zhan seems so earnest that Wei Ying has to relax. "I'm sorry. You're right... I am nervous."

"Oh." Lan Zhan's whole face somehow softens even more, as he moves forward to take Wei Ying's hand in his own. "I am, too."

Wei Ying thinks he might melt away in Lan Zhan's gaze, his fingers warm and soothing. "Actually, I'm not usually like this. Not that you're not amazing enough to freak out over! You are so hot-", he bites his lip and breathes. "Sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about." His thumb is still gently moving over the back of Wei Ying's hand. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah," Wei Ying sighs. "Do you know Jin Zixuan?"

"Yes," Lan Zhan nods, moving his hand from Wei Ying, as their server approaches. "He was in college with me, and remains an acquaintance."

They shift their attention to the cheerful woman and Wei Ying orders an Emperor's Smile, as usual, while Lan Zhan asks for a virgin mojito. Is he a recovering alcoholic? Wei Ying wonders but holds his tongue.

"Jin Zixuan is my sister's husband." He continues as Emma, their server, leaves.

"Oh, Jiang Yanli is your sister?" Lan Zhan seems pleased. "She is very nice."

"She's the best!" Wei Ying stops himself from going into his patented'A-jie is a perfect queen' rant. "She is my adopted sister."

"I see," Lan Zhan doesn't ask any follow-up questions and Wei Ying is grateful. First dates are hardly the occasion to get into childhood trauma.

"So, he told me some stuff about you.." Wei Ying ventures.

"Ah..." Lan Zhan almost smiles. "I'm guessing you know about my work and family, then."

"And your college boyfriend!" Wei Ying slaps a hand over his mouth.

"What?" Lan Zhan's face turns completely impassive, no hint of mirth anymore. "I didn't have a boyfriend in college."

"Um," Wei Ying can't believe he said that. He actually repeated something that Jin fucking Zixuan told him, as if he was infallible or even trustworthy, that peacock. "He mentioned someone named Xiao Xingchen?"

"Oh," Lan Zhan's face imperceptibly relaxes, his eyes no longer icy. "He's a distant cousin from my mother's side. Huh, I guess we never mentioned that to anyone. Oh. We went everywhere together, until...", Lan Zhan seems to be re-evaluating his entire college experience. "Until A-Chen got an actual boyfriend, I guess."

Wei Ying can't help but laugh, and Lan Zhan's heart starts soaring at the beautiful sound, not caring that its his obliviousness that is causing the pretty man to clutch at his stomach. "That made Jin Zixuan think you guys broke up! He actually thinks you both went on double dates with him and his college girlfriend?"

"Wait," Lan Zhan raises one perfect eyebrow. "Luo Qingyang was his girlfriend? I thought she was only into girls!" He stifles a laugh but Wei Ying doubles over again.

"Wait, wait," he tries to school his face into something normal. "Do you mean Mianmian?" When Lan Zhan nods, Wei Ying giggles again. "He dated her! God damn, yes, you're right, Mianmian is fully married to a woman now, my best friend Wen Qing! Not to bi-erase her but yeah, I wouldn't have believed her to be into Jin Zixuan ever!"

"Yes." Lan Zhan's face looks much more open now. "What a small world."

"Totally!" Wei Ying smiles beatifically. "No background checks required, huh?"

"You could do that if you want to," Lan Zhan says, his voice almost a whisper. "You are a celebrity after all."

"Wait, what?" Wei Ying almost chokes on his drink. "Did you Google me or something?"

"No," Lan Zhan shakes his head. "I realized after we spoke last night that I had seen your name on the credits of 'Life in Yiling'. I'm a fan." Lan Zhan mumbles, his ears actually going red, visible as his long hair is tied back into a high ponytail. "Well, after that I did Google you. Some of your SNL skits were my favourites!"

"Lan Zhaaaaan! You can't just say that!" Wei Ying's face in his hands. "I will die, my heart can't take compliments!"

"Sorry." Lan Zhan almost pouts. "But you really are very funny."

Wei Ying almost kisses the pout off his face, his heart beating fast at the thought. Get it together, man. "Thank you," he smiles as warmly as he can. "You are very sweet."

Lan Zhan smiles, and Wei Ying's heart sinks. He had made his peace with Lan Zhan being, hands down, the most beautiful person ever to walk the earth. But his smile, his smile makes his entire face light up. He looks adorable.

Fuck this, Wei Ying thinks, and leans in, his lips crashing into Lan Zhan's beautiful smile.

A/N: They're so cute, if I might say so myself!!

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH, all!! Also, please stream Monsta X's mini album - One Of A Kind, and watch the music video for their song, Gambler - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY13X0BKaUw !!!

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