It Begins

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*Two Blonde, one a Adult Male, name Taiyang, and a Young Teen, name Yang, these two stood by the door, look inside with extreme worry & confusion, and just watch Ruby Rose vomiting very violently into the toilet, the Two did not know how to react to this*

"She's been like this all day Dad..."
*Yang just wore a small frown, as the Older Sibling to Miss Rose, her concern & worries were very high, and it was making her stress for not being able to fix this*

"It's strange, not only does she usually take good care of her own body, but her <Aura> should prevent her from even getting sick like this."
*Tai didn't understand how his own Daughter could get this ill so quickly, and so badly, so the Silver Eyes managed to stop for now and just lay her head on the toilet seat*

"Someone put me out of my misery..."
*Ruby wore a very tired and slightly in pain expression, the Blonde Girl walked over and tries to comfort her Younger Sister, patting her back an holding her close*

"You'll be ok, I'll be sure you're ok."
*Yang spoke to her in a soft and calming voice, which made the Hoodie Girl smile back softly, though before more could be said, all three of them heard the door opening and closing, then some footsteps that got closer with each step*

"Hey, how's my Niece doing? Getting any better?"
*Everyone looks and see a two more Adults entering the picture, one being a Lady Doctor, while the other was a Male who was the same age as Taiyang, but had black hair, red eyes, wore greyish clothing, and look like he has seen some things, but was cool about it, this was Qrow, the Uncle of the two girl's*

"I-I'm Feeling A Lot Better, Just Like A Real- HURK!!!"
*Ruby tried her best to look brave and strong, as if to impress her Uncle, but was quickly interrupted with her throwing up more chunks into the toilet, which made the man she tried to impress sigh*

"Is this the help you were talking about?"
*Tai gestures towards the Doctor, who walked up to the sickly girl and start to do her Medical stuff*

"Yes, she saved me more time than I can count, Ruby's in safe hands."
*Qrow quickly reassure the Father to the weaken Daughter, who could only nod in response and just take his word for it*

"Have you eaten anything lately that didn't agree with you?"
*The Doctor took her temperature, to make sure if it wasn't just a fever*

"W-Well, I do remember eating some cookies, more than usual, plus some of the red steak we had leftover, and a couple raw eggs, with a gallon of Milk to wash it down~..."
*Ruby couldn't help but weakly remember her enjoying the things she ate yesterday, so much so that she drools and got hungry again, to which the Doctor immediately noticed*

"Wait, you are all of that? That's A Leasts A Weak Worth Of Food!"
*Tai just now realized that it was her own Daughter who ransacked and ate all the meat he was saving for later, the Silver Eyes just look away shyly*

"Interesting, how about mood swings? Have you been feeling emotional lately?"
*The Doctor then use a popsicle stick to open her mouth and looked inside the back of her throat*

"Uhhh, Nope, Perfectly Calm & Happy!"
*Ruby was definitely lying*

"You got angry and started crying when I asked if you wanted to train, cause you thought I was calling you fat."
*Qrow cross his arms and quickly reminded his Niece what happened yesterday*

*Ruby pouts and got very upset for being sold out by her Uncle, which made him chuckle*

"I see, how about some growth in, um, in certain areas?"
*The Doctor got one of those hearing tools and used it to hear Miss Rose heartbeat*

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