Chaper 4: The Performance

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"Oo you look absolutely fabulous!" exclaimed Savera. "Totally amazing!" shouted Septimus. I looked at myself in the mirror under the blinding lights and curious looks from my prep team. "'s just a grey outfit". "Oh but look at your face" said an extatic Otto. "Yeah? What about it?". "Oh you will see" said Volumnia with a big beaming smile. To be honest that kind of scared me. It felt like they had rigged my face to blow or something. "Oo look at the time! You'd better be going". "So...I have to go out there like this". "Oh yes! You will be fabulous!". I must admit, my prep team wee strange. Even more so than Eiffie Trinket.

I made my way back down the cold, siler tunnel and looked for any kind of sign tht said where the stables were. Thre were none. "Ugh, Peeta is goin to kill me". I was walking for what seemed like ages, but actually it was just a couple of minutes. The place was just so big. I finally ended up in the corridor where mine and Carlina's rooms were. I decided, since I couldn't find the stables, I might as well look at the rooms. I opened the door and saw Carlina just, standing there. "Carlina?" reply. I could hear her sobbing quietly, she obviously didn't want me to hear. "Hey, are you ok?", she shook her head. "Are you nervous?", another shake. There must be something in these outfits that will help us speak to each other. Ah, a translator, how clever. "You know you can tell me". She didn't seem like she tought she could, it wasn't because she was nervous or even scared. She knew something she shouldn't. After an awkward silence she spoke  "It's Peeta, he-" "There you are". Katniss had came into the room. How long had she been there? "Come on, it's almost time for you two to be shown to everyone". "Of course. Carlina is just..." she looked at me and I could see fear in her eyes "...a bit nervous". "Oh don't worry, just imagine hat they are not there". "Then we left to the stables. What was Carlina going to say? Whatever it was it was important. Something wasn't right.

The roar of the croud was immense. All of those people out there waiting to see their brave tributes in their fabulous outfits. Too bad, I look like some tramp in his pyjamers. "Your bull will be along any moment" announced one of the stable hands. "Woah bull!? Don't we get a horse?". "Not according to your prep teams you don't". So we aren't just tramps afterall. Finally thebull arrived. It didn't look very district 13ish, that is untill they put the headpiece on. It was a magnificent bull shap that fitted over it's head perfectly. But also it was made of graphite and they made it sine as much as the stars at night. Carlina's jaw dropped straight away "Magnifico!". It was good to see that she wasn't focused purley on the games. Then the doors opened for the Capitol to see their "entertainment".

Now, all of the tributes before us were all amazingly dressed but one stood out, and that was district 4. The easiest one to describe would probably be the one the girl was wearing. The torso of the dress was sleeveless and was a dark blue colour. On her neck she wore a golden necklace which was in the shape of a clam, I wondered if it was a locket of some sort. Below the torso it was sort of ruffled and had a flowery pattern near the bottom. To me it looked like it was representing the sea. Then on her back, she had a black cloak and inside was red velvet. But the way the whole dress sparkled was truly amazing. It was helped by a glowing orb in her right hand and a silverish trident in her left hand. When I looked at the orb though, I saw exactly what I was thinking of. The only crystal clear sea I'd ever seen. It was truly dazzaling and for some reason, it gave me hope that I would see that crystal clear sea again. I was so amazed by it that I forgot me and Carlina were next.

Our bull pulled the carridge out into the open. Everyone was staring in anticipation. All eyes were on us. What were we supposed to do?. We were just in grey outfits. Then, as soon as I thought it, the lights went down and our bull's headpiece lit up the path ahead. It was a magnificent green colour, not a horrible sickly green but a beautiful, sparkly green. Then, I had't noticed our faces on the screens, me and Carlina were glowing the same colour. So this Volumnia meant. I turned and looked at Carlina and, for the first time since the reaping, Carlina smiled. We were almost to the end when, out of nowhere, blue and red fireworks burst in the sky, lighting up the whole room followed by gasps of amazement from the crowd. I could see a sparkle in Carlina's eyes as she watched.It gave me a bit of hope that we could make it out of this. Together.

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