Chapter 3: Preperation For The Opening Ceremony

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As soon as we arrived at the Capitol, me and Carlina were sent to meet our prep teams. The place had changed a lot since the rebelion, there were none of the bright, randomly placed colours, no cameras watching the tributes 24/7 and (thank God) no Avoxes. We walked through a corridor which was nothing more than a shining silver tunnel really. The only things we passed were two doors oppisate each other-these were probably our rooms. We finally came to the end of the corridor where it split in two. Over one was a flashing light which had "Ben Turner" in blue, amazingly bright, light, the other had Carlina's name in bright pink. Before we went down the corridors into the un-known, Carlina turned and looked at me. She didn't say anything with her mouth, it was her eyes. She said something with her eyes. I'm not sure what it was but it looked like...goodbye.

As I was led to my prep room, I could hear my team gossiping away. When the door opened I was blinded by the light that came from the ceiling. As I regained my vision, I saw a giant room filled with reds, yellows, blues, any colour you can think of. There was fabric of every kind all over the place. Where the mirror was, there were lights above it ready to permanatley if my prep team wanted too. Then they came rushing towards me, all extatic and excited. "Oo welcome! Welcome!. I am Otto Wellwood! and these are my couleges: Septimus Baxwoll: Volumnia Edenthaw, and Savera Wisheart". They were all dressed in sparkling outfits. Otto and Septimus were both dressed in suits with diamonds on every stitch. Volumnia and Savera had long, elegant, silk dresses that also were studded with diamonds. "Alright, let's get to work!" said Savera and they rushed me over to the mirror and chair. They started by cutting my hair and saying "Oh it needs too be much shorter" and "We don't want anyone to grab you do we?". I must admit I was objective at first, but finally they setteled for leaving it just over short. After that, I just had to sit and wait.

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