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Emma watched his back.

Like a stone cold statue , her eyes were glued on to his back as if she couldn't believe the nightmare was over.

He had slipped a phone out of his pants pocket , swiping up the screen and speed dialing Miles. If he didn't get out of here-

A strange noise made him turn back at the face he never wanted to see again!

The walls seemed to be closing in on her! His presence was taking away every speck of confidence she had. He got her again didn't he? Broke through her walls and hurled a stone at her glass castle.

Shattering it all over again.

Despairing, she turned around. Her shaking hands going on the empty place of bolt. Helpless, she tried to ram her delicate shoulder against the wooden door. Her shoulder ached but she bit her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. Not at all giving sound to her pain. Next, she tried punching-

"Stop it!"

Her hands stilled against the door.

"You stop it. Stop telling me what I can and what I can't do!" She was proud of her steady voice though everything inside her was like a swaying building.

It could collapse anytime.

"Try banging your empty head against it. It might help you out in the long run." He bit out , the deep sarcasm hitting her already frazzled nerves.

Ignoring him, she glanced around wildly in desperation. But she could find no escape route and then it hit her.

It was a basement!

It didn't have any windows that could lead out. She was ready to jump to her death, out the window ,if it meant she could get rid of him.

"Damn it!" He muttered , dialing Miles again. But he only heard one line.

The number you're dialing is not reachable. Try again later.

His pissed off mood went up a few octaves at noticing a constant figure pacing around like a mad woman. For a moment he kept watching her . Eyeing the worry on her face-the ever present blush deepening in her cheeks-frizzy hair sticking out-brown eyes darting left and right.

She looked like a mess.

A mess that had a direct effect on him somehow.

"Stand still. " He muttered, his voice level headed this time . Her body stopped suddenly like he pushed the off button.

Angrily, she glanced at him.

"Or what? You going to spill your anger on me again? You going to break stuff again? You know what? Why don't you break that damn door so we can get out?!" She got breathless at the end.

He slipped the phone back in his pants pocket. His green eyes splitting her being with how empty they were.

"I'll break every fucking thing until you hear me out. " He rasped , sending a jolt of surprise in her veins.


What had he got to do with her?

She blurted out the one word she shouldn't had.


It seemed like she was keen on challenging him. Keen on reminding him he had no authority over her.

She lived in his house. Took breath under his roof. Walked around his house and still-

Maximus had her against the door in two long strides!

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