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Diana clapped a hand over her mouth. Her jade eyes bugging out with excitement when—

"Relax. We aren't. Engaged." He stated , killing her excitement right there.

Emma noted the confident smile slipping off Laura's face as she glanced at his stoic face.

"Yeah. I forgot. This is a promise ring." She gave off a nervous giggle. . looking at his side profile for affirmation.

Diana kept looking back and forth between them whilst Emma acted like she was a statue placed at the wrong venue.

"It's not. I got it because she liked it." He shrugged his heavy shoulders.

Emma wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. She could see the color of embarrassment spreading on Laura's cheeks. Her baby blue eyes blinking rapidly as if to ward off. .tears?

"Max, what is this?" Diana asked slowly.

Maximus looked her dead in the eyes.

"She wanted to come and—"

Diana cut him off. " I'm asking about the ring. You don't just go off and buy a girl a diamond." Her voice was low, trying to make him understand the gravity of situation.

His dark eyebrows screed up.

"I got it simply because she —"

Laura didn't let him complete as she snatched her arm away from him and sprinted off. The sob escaping her red painted lips. To Emma it was a scene staring out of a soap opera, with the girl running up the stairs . .tears splashing down her face.

Diana sighed softly. . sounding tired.

"I didn't get engage." He repeated.

Closing her eyes, Diana struggled with her patience.

"Break this news to her because apparently she thinks it's an engagement ring. Of course the poor girl doesn't expect much from you so in her goldilocks head, you proposed to her by giving her a ring." Diana broke it down  patiently and a knowing look dawned on his handsome face..

"Fuck. ." He breathed out.

"Please settle this with her. " Diana said while looking at the stairs as if Laura was lurking by.

He nodded. . looking up at the staircase.

Shaking his head , he walked towards the stairs.

And Emma turned rigid.

Acting like she was invisible as he came near with each step he took. Her eyes were glued to Diana's back but still. .still she felt the weight of his gaze burning her face. .his jaw flexing at seeing her watching everything from a safe distance.

Emma stopped breathing altogether when he passed by her. The woodsy cologne filling up her lungs. The tiny moment between them flashing in her head—the half hug— It was the sound of heavy footsteps that made her take a breath . .a huge lungful of breath.

He made breathing hard.

Slowly, she made her way towards her boss who was busy dictating a maid and Emma looked down ,  her eyes roaming over the . . .Dior suitcases.

"—you know how she is. I don't think they will be sharing a room."

The maid nodded obediently.

"Take her stuff to the guest room. Guess they will be spending some time together. " Diana seemed to be talking more to herself then at the maid.

The woman scurried off, taking all the instructions.

Noticing her presence, she huffed in annoyance. Emma had a feeling she didn't like the sudden entry.

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