We are their persons, too.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I was about to write a poem an hour ago until it became a full article. I can't chop it into poems anymore and so I am posting the whole thing here. This is my way to remind myself on how I can become a good friend.


It’s kind of uncomfortable when your closest persons decided to live their lives without notifying you that they won’t be giving the usual sneak peek into their story. It’s like suddenly the windows were shut, the curtains were closed, the lights were off. And you don’t know what’s happening anymore. All of a sudden, they’re quiet and they’re private.

I know it’s tempting to make their choice be about you. You’ll think maybe they grew tired of sharing stories with you. That maybe you’re not worthy of a listener. That maybe you drifted into different seasons already. That maybe they were only meant to stay with you for a while and not for the longest time than what you had in mind. Please, don’t fall into the temptation of making it about you.

Your persons will always be your persons. Sure, time will change how you communicate with each other. Memes, Viber messages, tagged tweets, Spotify song links, mundane updates on their whereabouts will eventually come to an end. Because those were good things. Nelly wrote it in a song, right? She wrote what we always question: why do all good things come to an end?

You persons will always be your persons even if circumstances change. Even if your time, proximity, interests change. Even if all good things you spent with them ends.

Let them live their story without burdening them with your why’s. Their world doesn’t revolve around you. They have their own problems. They have their own dreams. They have their own struggles. There would be a lot of times when they would want to face it alone. That, or they would confide to other people and not to you. And you have to be okay with it.

I know. I know. You just wanted to feel like you’re still a part of their lives. But sometimes, we are not a part of their lives any longer. And we should be okay with that, too. Because people grow. Because people have the power to choose where to go. We have to let them. We have to let them because we are their persons, too.

We need to understand. We won’t always do but we have to keep trying. We have to give our persons the freedom to be themselves without them being apologetic about it.

They would still come and meet us once in a while. And we would always want to keep them with us in that way forever. However, we must not. Love is giving. Love gives the privilege of letting you be exactly who you are unapologetically. We are their persons, too. We ought to be their place of peace and comfort even if they will only be staying for a while.

We can be the kind of person that our persons would feel safe to come home to after their long journey. Let’s cheer them on and hold them loose. We can make big placards of their names when they finally decided to land again in our usual meeting place. Wearing our brightest smile. Giving them our warmest hugs.

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