The fight to decide.

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While there this black mass was approaching they realized with more people comes more power to the smoke so now it was moving a lot faster but still seaming heavy. They never realized that the smoke would get out that fast and find them. They were at a place of no escape so they had no option but to fight. After the smoke got to them it landed and a person appeared. This Creature looked like a devil and said it had the name Akuma. The devil-looking thing could be hurt now but it was a very good fighter and had a lot of power. Shi ran up to hit after taking Seikatsus' spear and ran to the thing and right as Shi got to the thin in smoke form, but it went to smoke again. Seiketsu was thinking and got Shis' attention and ran off with the kid on his back shi soon followed suit. They ran to the town in the reck it was left in and they saw the tower. They entered the tower and the smoke was there.

In front of the cauldron, it seemed to be protecting it. Shi ran at it first and was blocked and shot back. Seiketsu was talking to the Jikan and they came up with a plan. Seiketsu got Shis' attention and they said the plan the Shi and Seiketsu went in to attack. The fight was quick and did not last long before Jikan went to the coldren to try and tip it over. Akuma had noticed and dropped his fight with Shi and Sekets and went to fight the kid instead. Seiketsu ran infrount og the kid and Shi came from the side and hit it. Akuma had then turned his focus to Shi and a fight broke out but the thing was that this was less of a fight and more of a beating. Shi was not doing good and was about to pass out. Then the cauldron fell and the Smoke turned to smoke and started get lighter and lighter till gone.

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