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A horrible feeling coursed through Daniel's veins as he skidded down the mound, towards Leah's limp body. Worried wasn't close to what he was feeling. He was mortified that her brain might be severely damaged.

He reached Leah and turned her over slowly. She wasn't breathing and her hair was soaked in blood. Daniel ripped off his vest with one arm and wrapped it around the top of her head, his other hand busy dialing 911. The ambulance arrived mere minutes later. They didn't allow Daniel to enter the ambulance so he sped after it in his car.

At the hospital, the paramedics wheeled Leah into a room and out of sight. Daniel sat outside, his face in his hands. She was right, she was right.

That thought ran through his head. She had been going on about spirits and ghosts and whatnot. Just as Daniel was about to call her ridiculous, she had been -

It was unbelievable. It wasn't a gust of wind for sure. The day wasn't breezy at all. He was starting to believe that maybe Leah was right. Maybe there was more to just cold-blooded murders and a boy with multiple personality disorder. Daniel didn't know how long he sat there, contemplating whether or not to believe the impossible.

Then a man in a white coat stepped out of the room. He had a tag pinned to his coat reading Doctor Woodley. "How is she, doctor?"Daniel asked before the man could say anything.

"She'll be okay,"Doctor Woodley informed,"Her brain was bleeding but we managed to patch her up."

Daniel's heart crawled back into his chest. "Can I-?"

"No, you can't see her now. Come by tomorrow."

That was good enough for Daniel. Just as the feeling was coming back to his limbs, he got a call from Sheriff Lennon. "What is it Lennon?"Daniel said into his phone, making his way to the hospital parking lot where he left his car.

But the answer Daniel got made his blood turn to ice. A cackle, a high pitched laugh as evil and devilish as nothing Daniel had ever heard in his life. It wasn't human at all, it was somewhat demonic and blood-curdling like claws scraping against metal. And in the midst of the laughter came horrific screams, so full of pain and terror like that of someone being crucified.

"HELLLLP MEEEE! HEEEEELLPP!" And then came gagging like someone choking on their own blood. The laughter continued. Daniel's fingers fumbled as he ended the call. A feeling of relief sparked inside him once the call was ended but it abruptly shattered when he realized that the demonic sounds didn't stop. The screaming and cackling continued as if Daniel hadn't even hung up. It was ringing in his ears as if it was happening just in front of him. Piercing through his eardrums, booming inside his head, making his brain feel like it was on fire. With a yell, Daniel flung the phone with all his might at the nearest wall. The phone smashed against the concrete wall and dropped to the ground. Passersby turned and stared at Daniel with stunned expressions on their faces. One woman looked at him and asked,"Are you alright, sir?"

He looked up at her to answer but stepped back in terror and disgust. Thick, black liquid was gushing from her eyes, oozing from her nose, bubbling in her mouth. Daniel staggered back and rubbed his eyes fiercely. When he looked up at her again, she was completely normal but she was staring at him with a scared expression. "Are . . . are you sure you're okay, sir?"

Daniel looked around, noticing that everyone around him was staring. He pushed past the woman and rushed to his car, slamming the door shut and stepping on the accelerator. He sped off away from the hospital.

He had to find Lennon.

Author's Note : This is my second author's note since I started Wattpad. I don't like writing notes like this, it bores me. But I just wanted to apologize for the slow update and the lame title to this chapter. 'Hallucinations' doesn't seem very special but my mind was fuzzy when I wrote the title so HEH! Enjoyyyy!! :-)

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