Graduate- 👑Chapter 1👑

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T/W: Racial Slurs, Cursing

Viv's POV:
We did it. By that I mean Emelie and I. We're about to walk across the stage to graduate. It's not any normal school, but Sharpe Academy. I see Gribby, Mum, and Mum up in the stands cheering for our accomplishments. Lee doesn't seem to notice them so I tap her shoulder and point up. She looks at me and says, "I saw them! I'm nervous, what about you?"

I say, "Emi, now is not the time to be nervous! Maybe when we do auditions in the future, but be happy! We're out in the open, we're free to make our own decisions!"

She smiles and says, "We can't go back!"

I say, "Pretty Woman reference?"

She says, "Always!"

Soon they start the big ceremony. I say, "We should blast that one Dora We Did It song when we get home!"

She sighs dramatically, "Viv, I swear you're 7 years old!"

I smile, "I kinda wanna screech SVN songs now."

"Mum would approve."

Emelie and I were chosen to give speeches. I say at my turn, "What a journey this has been. I have gone from an orphan to a graduate of Sharpe Academy."

I told Mum I was gonna make her cry on purpose. Well both of them, and Gribby. I see them all getting teary eyed and I go back to my speech.

"I was in and out of foster houses until I was 14, and my life changed forever. I was adopted. Not to mention they were huge west end stars and agents but that's besides the point! I've always had a dream of acting in the theatre industry and everyone here feels the same I suppose. My point is, the reason we all are here today is support and love. Without the love we all have got, none of us would be here today. So everyone, great job making it through! Congratulations class of 2029!"

Emelie makes her speech and both of our Mums are crying. I laugh and Mum (Gen) flips me off as a joke. It was quick and no one else saw it. Em notices me laughing in her very professional speech and she turns around and gives me a disapproving look. Soon names are being called to graduate. A few people are before Em but she is soon called. I scream loudly to embarrass her, because that's really fun. She does the same thing to me. I feel the most accomplished I have in a while. I did it. I made it through Sharpe Academy.

Emelie's POV:

I stand slightly behind Viv as Gribby walks up to us. He looks really different from normal. Very official. I look down, avoiding eye contact. Viv squeezes my hand gently and I smile gently. Gribby grins at us, "Hey girls. You did amazing!" I smile and Viv hugs me quickly, "So, I would like to sign you." He smiled, It hit me, I completely forgot he was an agent. Viv squeals and I laughed, "Really?" I ask Gribby, he nods, "Of course Lee. You and Viv did an amazing job!" I smile shyly, "Thank you." I say before laughing at Viv who is still jumping up and down like the easily excitable 7 year old I swear she is. I soon see Mum and Mum running up to us. I roll my eyes as they scoop us into a group hug. Mum (Gen) picks me up easily and I giggle, "Muuuuum!" I whine playfully. She rolls her eyes and hugs me close. My other mum tousles my hair before flicking her pink hair over her shoulder. I sit on Mum's hip because I'm really light. Viv glares at me. She is too heavy for Mum to lift up and she always teases me playfully about being a baby, but I know she would never truly be mean to me. We have been through too much together.

After being embraced in more hugs from Mum and Mum and Gribby our creative director/choreographer walks over, "Hey Viv, hey Lee," She smiles, "Hey Miss Manser." Me and Viv chorus. Our mums laugh, "Hey Vix." they smile, Me and Viv exchange confused looks, before remembering, "Oh. I forgot. You're in SIX! Together." Viv laughs. Vicki nods, "I am indeed." Mum laughs and smirks, "I'm obviously the better Howard." she jokes. Vicki nods, "Of course you are Aims." She jokes. Mum (Gen) rolls her eyes and wraps her arm around mum's waist before kissing mum's head, avoiding the pink tips. Me and Viv gag and turn away from the soppiness that is our parents flirting. Vicki laughs, "Really good show you two. You did amazing!" Vicki says, hugging us in turn before heading off to some of the other students that were in the show.

Mum picks me up again and I roll my eyes but adjust myself into a comfy position and stay there. Mum's arms make me feel safe.

Me and Mum walk off because she wants to talk to one of the directors. As we walk I see we are approaching the 'popular' group. The ones me and Viv call, 'the big-headed brats' I become more self conscious and I retreat into myself slightly. I know Mum can tell I'm scared because she holds me tighter, even closer than before. (sorry for the Heathers reference. I just had to) (I personally agree with the statement)

As we approach, I hear them sneer.

Mum rolls her eyes and walks past. As we walk past I hear one of them yell "N****r!" after us. I sigh and Mum walks quickly off. I shoot a text on the family group chat we have

The big-headed brats just called mum the n word - E

I sigh and wait for a text back. I can tell Mum was affected by it, though she was trying not to show it. It was only because I knew her so well that I knew.


I laugh gently and reply back

U heard me. We r in B block. Come asap pls - E

Ill bring her she'll get lost - V

I laugh and send a thumbs up emoji before taking Mum to the upstairs bathroom so it's quieter. No-one ever uses them.

In upstairs bathroom, pls be here asap - E

Literally on the stairs now - V

I nod and hug Mum, hating those girls. I'm not surprised, They were shits to me and Viv when they found out we were adopted. I'm glad we haven't come out to them. They would shred us to bits. I wait and soon enough Viv and Mum burst in. Mum goes straight to Mum and hugs her tightly. Mum breaks down on Mum's shoulder, crying on her pink hair.

Viv storms over looking extremely pissed off. I sigh, "Don't do something stupid Viv." I say, knowing she would anyway. "THOSE FUCKING ASSHOLES AREN'T GETTING AWAY WITH THAT!" She yells, "Language." Mum (Aims) says halfheartedly, "But yes they are fucking assholes and deserve to die in a ditch. But I'm too nice to say that." She said, obviously lying. I laugh lightly and Mum (Gen) sits up, "You're not babes. We all know full well that you would say that to their faces and worse." She said, wiping her eyes dry. I laugh, "Well I don't blame you Mum, they can't get away with it." I say, Viv nods aggressively and punches her fist into her other hand. "What did they say exactly?" Mum asks. I explain, editing the actual word because that is a word I will never say. Ever.

"OH NO THEY FUCKING DIDN'T!" Viv screams, and I sigh, knowing she was going to blow up.

Viv's POV:
I scream. Felicity called Mum (Gen) the n word and I don't stand for that.

Em says, "Have fun with them!"

I say, "If I go to jail, you best bail me out."

She replies, "Of course!"

I put in the group chat,

ight Mum if I go to prison bail me out pls- V

I'm sorry what- Gen

Tsk their goin down- V


I wanna watch this shit- E

same- A

ill get the popcorn- G

save me some - E

I storm over to them and say, "Hey bitches."

Felicity says, "What the hell do you want, adopted bitch. I would hate to be you, especially with gay parents."

Okay, they can insult me, but not my family. I'm at my wits end with them. Maybe Em was right, I do need anger management. I guess Mum (Aimie) heard that as she was in tears. I look at her and smile. I raise my hand high and land a nice hard slap on her bitchy face. I see both my Mums and Gribby smiling. I'm pretty sure that Vicki saw it and ignored it, and we're fine with that.

Heyo Lex here! Welcome to the book! Have fun reading and I hope you enjoy. AliciaBoleyn wrote from Emelie's POV and I wrote from Viv's

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