
You would think that waking up in a stranger's house would be awfully unsettling and uncomfortable, especially if they are in the Mafia, but strangely, it isn't weird at all. It just feels like any normal day for me, except I am in a much nicer house than mine. I hold myself back at first from getting out of bed, just in case Callum isn't up yet, and I don't want him to think that I am snooping around. But it is 10am though, so if you aren't up by then, I guess it's your fault if you do catch someone snooping. I hop out of bed and drag my feet to the door, rubbing my eyes frantically as I did so. I want to go downstairs and get a drink, but after last night I feel like it is going to be somewhat awkward between him and I, but it shouldn't be, right? I opened the door slowly, trying to make as little as to no noise as possible, and made my way down the stairs.

The kitchen is empty by the looks of it, but that isn't going to stop me from getting a glass of water, I am absolutely parched! The problem with that is that this isn't my house, and I have no idea where he may keep his glasses, I don't even think he knows for that matter. This place looks absolutely untouched and left alone, I can tell by the little specks of dust piling up on the sides. I pick up a random glass from the side, most likely from last night, and fill it up with water and gulp it down fast. The cold substance slithers down my fiery throat, thanking me for finally giving it some water.

"Morning Vanessa," I jumped at the voice from behind me, slightly startled by his presence. I spin round to get a full look at him, and I take it in all at once. His curls are slightly messier than before and his eyes look puffy and tired, he looks hot. He has nothing but grey jogging bottoms on, revealing his rock hard body. I try not to stare but it really is hard to resist, I haven't really ever seen someone with a body like his in my life, so it does come as a shock to me.

"Um hi Callum," I finally spit out, still eyeing him up like there is no tomorrow.

"Can I help you Vanessa?" His deep morning voice snapped me out of my trance, he caught me looking at him, which normally I would be embarrassed about, but I am not bothered. I shake my head frantically before putting my glass back on the side. I am not really sure what to do with myself, so I just stand awkwardly waiting for him to say something else. "What're you doing downstairs?" He raises an eyebrow at me before pouring a glass of orange juice and sitting down on the island.

"Well- I was just getting a drink," I say honestly, I have nothing to lie about, because that is what I was doing, so why am I really nervous?

"Okay." He says bluntly, which confuses me. I thought he was trying to make conversation, but clearly not. "Come here," He says before pulling out the chair next to him, not looking up from his glass. I pick my feet up and sit on the chair beside him, swivelling it to the island quickly. I pick at my nails, not saying a word to him. "About last night-"

"-It's fine Callum, all forgotten!" I interrupt him quickly and look away, not wanting to keep talking about this. I don't want him to think I am some kind of weak person, because I really am far from that, it was just one mistake, one wrong relationship turn that I decided to have, if anything it is my fault anyway.

"Right," He says, eyeing me up, with a rather confused look on his face. Now I really feel like we aren't on the same page, we aren't talking about the same thing.

"We're not talking about the same thing are we?" I say, speaking my mind without thinking. He takes a sip from his glass and grins at me, not saying a word. I start to swing my legs around because the silence is making me feel like a little kid again, feeling like I don't know anything about life again, always getting things wrong. Callum places his large hand on my thigh, squeezing it slightly as he does so. I automatically stop kicking my legs around and look at him, with no expression painted on my face.

We're not really strangers, are we?Where stories live. Discover now