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Once we reached we saw that everyone was there, it was like no one left which was unusual because we were pretty sure that we saw multiple people heading out, everyone felt surrounded but we were unsure of what's happening until we heard doors locking and so the first thought that came to mind was that there was some kind of criminal between us, I started noticing how everybody was standing all together as if they were preparing for the day of judgment and I realized that my friends and I were standing in the same way.

One by one, people were starting to shiver, get goosebumps, or freeze in their places, I didn't know what was happening until I looked at my brother and saw him looking pale and washed out as if he just saw ouija's kid.

{ALORA 1998 -2019}

After moving and gliding between everyone, I felt satisfied with the way they reacted until I targeted my favorite four victims and I swished my way to them and stood in front of dear Kareem's face and whispered "do you fancy another wedgie young man?" and he straight up squealed and stared right at me and said "listen here you ghost, spirit, whatever you are, you are not gonna ruin my night ok? Just please you have thousands of people here and you chose me, why?" Jamie flicked his head then sighed, I scanned the crowd and spotted the main victims standing next to each other and so I swayed my way to them and stood right next to them and whispered "miss me?" I laughed when I saw their faces go lifeless and my laughs were loud to the point where a lot heard me and started to panic, some even tried running away.

But where's the fun in running?

I pouted at the people but then locked everything so they are held hostage in the living room, then I noticed that there was a kitchen involved.

Ooh, just thinking of the possibilities makes me happy.

I rummaged through the drawers and found something shiny calling out to me, a big knife that's sharp enough to cut wood, I picked it up and slowly started scraping it along the kitchen isle causing it to leave marks and a loud piercing sound, I was enjoying every bit of every second while the others were feeding my satisfaction by either screaming or crying.

I raised the knife and aimed it at the wall behind my main target; Mason.

People started running around and going into random rooms to hide, once I made sure that everyone was in a room, I locked the doors and trapped them inside.

While checking who is in each room, I saw that my four dear frenemies were in a room together, after checking which room, turns out they're in the room that was filled with pictures of everyone, so phase two of my plan was in initiation.

I entered the room and slowly blew on Beatrice causing some hair strands to fly away from her face, after proving my presence, little boy Quincy started going pale, and Jamie started breathing rapidly, this made me feel bad because I've been messing around with them a lot so I'm thinking to make it easier for them.

I grabbed a marker and drew a circle on a girl in one of the pictures and Quincy suddenly got up and went to take a closer look and told his friends "this is the girl who used to come over a lot, she didn't know me, but when I'd see her, she'd always be quiet, that is until mason gets in the picture, at the time I thought she was a pretty nice girl, it's sad I never got to spend time with her, I wonder where she is right now" I stared at Quincy in awe, maybe because he could be the only person who spoke good of me, I was prepared to hear some awful things about me, I wanted to tell him that I'm right here and that if it wasn't for my shyness I would've gotten to know him better.

Before things can get emotional, I got some yarn and connected my picture to Mason's face, and went to prepare the rest of my plan to get everyone out of their rooms. I made my way to the gaming room and grabbed a computer and started preparing my plan.

ALORA JONES ✔️Where stories live. Discover now