𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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      when reverie has something to say, she says it. she doesn't care who she says it to or if it is even an appropriate time to say, she says it anyways. she may only be 5'4", but she is loud as fuck. 

      "reverie get your lazy ass downstairs before i come up there and drag you down the stairs," ace, reverie's oldest and only brother, said.

      ace is extremely protective of reverie even though it may not seem like it. he's extremely caring, but sometimes he goes a little overboard with it.

      "i'm coming, holy shit. you do not need to be so annoying about it, oh my god. let me finish these last two pages and i'll be down," reverie yells back as her eyes scan the pages of her book.

      reverie loves to read, which isn't normal according to her brother. she buys at least one book a week. right now she is rereading her favorite book series, "from blood and ash." she doesn't care how many times she has reread the series, the books are just too good to put down.

      as reverie finishes the chapter, she puts in her little, green bookmark and places her book on her bed before leaving her room and going downstairs. as she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she sees her mom and brother sitting in the living room with a weird old man.

      "finally. reverie, meet mr. tibbles. he has something to ask you," reverie's mother beams.

      "ah yes. hello reverie," mr. tibbles reaches out to shake her hand. reverie stares at it for a moment before deciding to shake the crusty old man's hand.

      "so, um, why are you in my living room?" reverie asks awkwardly.

      "how would you like to represent team usa hockey and play in the junior goodwill games!" mr. tibbles yells excitedly with a little bit of jazz hands.

      reverie has been a star player for the southern oregon spartans ( authors note: i literally just looked a random ass ice hockey team don't come for me please). she plays forward, but can honestly play any position if needed. 

      reverie thought about mr. tibbles offer for a moment. the only reason she would even consider not going is the fact she would have to pack and go to the airport. like, that is a lot of work and does she really want to do that?

      "where are these games?" she asked calmly.

      "well, we would need to go to minnesota for a couple of days to meet the rest of the team, but then we will fly to los angeles  for the games," the pile of ashes said.

      "hm, ok i'll go," reverie said in a monotone voice. don't get her wrong, she was super excited to go, but she doesn't really like to show emotion because she thinks it's embarrassing so she keeps up a good facade. (authors note: this is actually me)

      "okay, well we are leaving tomorrow so be ready to go by then. goodbye," mr. titties said while walking out the door.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

      the next day came quickly and reverie had already packed. she, of course, remembered to pack some of her favorite books so her suitcase was absolutely huge, like fucking massive. she thought she was going break her back trying to carry that thing down the stairs. 

𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚝 // 𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚖 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜 (𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now