thursday evening

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14th july: it was late thursday evening. you had just left your shift at the pub, the red lion. considering your father was a lord, you still only had a minimum wage job. Edward, your boss, had let you leave early tonight, as he was holding a small get-together in his pub for his intermediate family, in celebration of his wife getting a promotion at her place of work. as it being the middle of july, it was rather humid outside, and the slow breeze was like heaven on your now sweating skin. being in a fairly thick jumper and skirt, thinking back to this morning it probably wasn't the best outfit choice. rounding the corner, your family manor starts to come into view.

living in central london does have its up and downs, like any normal place. for example, in central london you were close to all of your friends, and may i add parties. however on the flip side, you then constantly being invited to parties. don't get me wrong you loved a good gathering, but being invited consistently every weekend after your shifts at the bar was a bit much. but, the last invite you had recently received, was a rather special one, and definitely not one you were going to miss out on. one of your friends, whom you had know many years, lady anne, was hosting her annual birthday party on the 15th july, like she always did the day before her birthday. you and anne had unfortunately decreased the level of contact over the last few years, due to her position being lady in waiting to the one and only princess margret, but nonetheless you would always receive an invitation.

this year, it was said that her royal highness, princess margret would be attending the party. you had met the princess on more than one occasion, due to her and your mother being quite good friends, however when you were occasionally acquainted her royal highness was usually rather tipsy. these encounters were never unpleasant, but always slightly awkward, the royal was able to hold a conversation with you, but would find a way of leaving a sly dig at you. for example at the last party you attended that she was present at, she made a comment about your dress.

"oh that is a lovely dress you are wearing, definitely a bold choice."

the princess would often look you up and down and stare and certain places around your body. she always let her eyes linger and you chest area slightly longer than she should. she knew that she did this and so did you, however neither of you mentioned it. she liked to inspect your petite figure, and you liked the attention she would often give you. when she had consumed and inadequate amount of alcohol, a few hours later she would be placed next to the piano, singing her heart out.
you always enjoy the way she could captivate the crowd of drunken people with her voice. you could've listened to her singing for days on end and never get tired of hearing her posh accent ring throughout the room. angelic. that was the only way you could describe the way she would sing.

as you finally arrived at the front door of your stately home, you took out your keys, and in one swift motion the large door flew open and you took a step inside. heading towards the large staircase, you dropped you bag down the and removed your extremely expensive red bottoms. when inside your bedroom, you removed your now sweaty clothes and placed on your silk nightgown slipping into the expensive sheets, slowly falling into a deep slumber.

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