the question

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hey babes hope your keeping safe, drinking water, and just doing well. i did want this chapter to be out for christmas as a sort of present but we move. love you all lots, hope you all had a brilliant crimbo, sending you all my love xx 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

it was the next morning, and you had the day off today. thankfully might i add. because there was no chance that the princess was going to be awake before midday. to say she was hammered last night was an understatement. after she declared you to have been the ruiner of moments, she practically danced around your bedroom for the next half an hour before you could even try and get a nightdress on her and even then she made some rather snarky comments about you trying to get into her pants. which of course you weren't considering she was off her head.

when you did eventually get the princess into bed, you went into to the bathroom trying to get makeup remover to take of the princesses makeup and also your own. when you came back into the bedroom the princess was already snoring her head off. you smiled the most genuine smile that you had in a long time, simply admiring the woman whom you oh so adored. it was a perfect moment, and you couldn't help but think about how lucky you were to have this woman in your company. she was truly such an amazing person inside and out.

you took both of your makeup off and changed into your own nightdress, which was a sort of blush pink colour, that the princess had gifted to you as a present. the main reasons she had gifted you the nightdress was simply because a) it was her favourite colour and compliments you skin beautifully and b) because it was extremely externally short. and thank f course a short nightdress for you was an investment the princess just couldn't miss out on. you climbed into bed snuggling up to the princess, giving her a kiss on the forehead before drifting of to the world of slumber yourself.

you woke the next morning, far too early for your liking. it wasn't necessarily early per say, but you could of done with another half an hour in bed after your exhausting week. the princess still in your bed, out for the count. there was no way in hell she was waking up for at least another hour, maybe even two. she was truly something else. the two of you, lived completely different lifestyles, yet the you both found a way to connect. the person whom makes you the happiest, lying in your arms, sleeping peacefully. you laid in your bed, thinking of everything and nothing, staring at the princess, simply enjoying the silent morning. you were knackered after your busy week. working non stop in the heat, all week had definitely not been a fun experience, however you did have a great tan after being in the sun all that time.
as you reminiscing on your week at working, you started to hear grumbling coming from the
woman in you grasp.

"good morning my darling," you whispered into her hair, as you started to sit up slightly.
a hum was all you revived in reply, and the princes repositioned herself, so that you hand was on her lower back, and her head was on your chest. she looked up at you groggily with big adoring eyes, in which you had the pleasure of staring into.
"morning," the princess whispered, with her usual gravely morning voice, which you loved so much.
"how do you feel?" you chuckled, already half knowing the answer by the woman's breath.
"rough," she whispered, turning her head to start looking around your bedroom.
"yes well, that is what happens when you drink until you can't even stand," you said teasing her.
"oh shush you that's the last thing i need today, you bloody talking down my ear all the time. i've already got a fucking headache, don't need you making it worse." she said gently talking into your chest.
"your sexy when your annoyed did you know that? especially with that voice," you whispered into her hair.
"oh piss off,"
it was about two hours later, and the two of you still hadn't moved. you both lay there in silence, simply enjoying each other's company. it was rather calming just lying there together.

"what are your opinions on holidays?" the princess asked out of the blue.
"i've never really given them much thought if i'm honest," you replied staring at the ceiling.
"why'd you ask?"
"well darling, i have to go abroad in the next couple of weeks. i mean i'm only going for two weeks." only? you thought to yourself.
"yes.. what are you getting at margot?"
"and you know whenever i work for longer periods of time i get ever so stressed don't i darling?" margaret spoke, walking her fingers up your arms.
"you might've mentioned it once or twice sweetheart," you replied finally catching onto what the princess was hinting at.
"well, why don't you come with me?" she asked as if it was nothing for you to just pack up your life and leave everything behind for two weeks.
"and what, be your personal stress reliever?" you scoffed amused.
"precisely," the princess said as she sat turning around to face you.
"honey won't that look rather peculiar?"
"darling i really couldn't care less, about all of that" she said throwing one of her legs over you waist and she gently pushed your chest down. "all i want and care about is you," she whispered lustfully.
"imagine it," she said breathing down the side of your neck as she whispered into your ear.
"you, me for two weeks. you won't even have to lift a finger. everything catered to your needs. everynight for two weeks straight, just me and you." she whispered, placing feather light kisses down the side of your neck, continuing them down your jaw.
"mhmm, it does sounds rather nice doesn't it." you hummed, enjoying the feeling of the princesses lips along your jawline.
"so what about it? live a little. enjoy your life. take a risk. for me." the princess asked, coming to nibble your ear gently. you just couldn't resist what she was doing to you. the way she was talking.
there were a thousand and one reasons to decline the offer the princess had just layed out before you. your parents would question why and how you were going on what, you could only imagine to be quite a luxurious holiday. and work was another, how in hell were you supposed to get two weeks of work at such short notice during one of the busiest times of the year. friends as well, you had at least 5 different arrangements to get together with all of your friends. partys were another. you were quite a frequent attender of many party's, and if we're to miss them all randomly for two weeks, at the same time as the princess was, suspicions were definitely to arise.

and yet, despite all the signs pointing at the obvious answer being no,
you simply replied with "well i wouldn't miss it for the world darling,"

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