déjà vu (nsfw)

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"and anyways darling, i can guarantee that i can finish you in less than 5 minutes," you whispered making sure to speak every single letter clearly.
"oh really?" she whispered back grabbing her bottom lip in between her teeth to hold back any noise she could have potentially made, as you slowly placed gentle kisses along her neck down toward her collarbone.
"mhmm, definitely. that is darling, if you're willing to let me prove it?" you mumbled against her delicate skin as she threw her head to the side to giving you more space to explore.
"i might have to think about it," she mumbled back still trying to trap any noise that could give away the pleasure she was feeling now in her throat.
"i shall let you do just that then," you whispered against the shell of her ear as you tore yourself away from her and headed into the bathroom.

déjà vu, i think that's was they call it. a feeling of having already experienced the present situation. this abnormal feeling was one quite common to you as you stood in front of margots mirror as you had left her completely and utterly bewildered in the middle of her bedroom. not only had you done this before, you hope to be doing it many times in the future, as you think margot does too. however this time when you are in the bathroom, you don't decide to take a shower or use the many other resources, you simply stand there and wait.
"are you done being annoying yet?" you heard the princess call out from the bedroom.
"i don't know, have you made up your mind yet?" you call back. "because dear if you haven't i don't really see the need for me to be here, i may as well leave," you retorted smirking knowing that she's bound to give in soon.

you started to panic, as you didn't get a response. however soon enough the bathroom door was ripped open and there was stood margot with a rather displeased look on her face.
"now, little girl i don't particularly remember when you gained all of this confidence, but i can tell you this for nothing, i'm sick of it. i think you'll find i'm a royal princess and usually when a someone of my status asks or wants something they get it. i don't care whether you want to play all of these little games but i for one do not. now, now that we've cleared that up are you going to stay or leave? because you've been throwing around all of these threats but i've never seen you actually follow one through care to show me?" she said slowly walking towards you. you'd never seen her like this. you could tell from the very beginning she wasnt one to mess about much. however she pushed boundaries and so did you, you wouldn't of started this whole situation if you didn't know how to handle somebody who thought they deserved everything. i mean for crying out loud you worked in hospitality. of course you knew how to handle these types of people.

your back was now pressed against the cold tile of her bathroom, as it once was weeks ago, the same feeling of déjà vu coursing through your body. however this time it was not margaret who was in charge, however much she thought she was. she had placed her hand either side of your waist. quickly, before your brain had even considered what it was doing you flipped the two of you round, she was now the one at your complete mercy.
"right if i were you i'd listen. let me make this clear i do not care of your status i never have and it's safe to say i probably never will. i will never be bossed around by you simply because you're a royal princess this means nothing to me. see where calling me little girl again gets you and then you might consider stopping that terrible habit darling. and if you so desperately want me to leave you here in this state right now, it would be my pleasure, trust me." you breathed out the words in a whisper, your flowing down her neck as you lips graced her ear with every spoken letter.
a soft whimper left her lips as you forcefully pushed your knee up hard against her groin.

"what does her royal highness require?" you asked her with the upmost caution.
"y/n you really are testing my patience," she answered with her head thrown back in frustration.
"answer the question darling," you whispered back, pulling away to look her in the eyes.
"i need you," she whispered as quietly as possible.
"i'm sorry i didn't hear you, what was that?" you replied smirking.
"sometimes i really hate you, do you know that?" she muttered under breath throwing her head back once again.
"you may have mentioned it. now darling what did you say?"
she took a deep breath trying to compose herself before she lost any remaining dignity that she had left. "i said, i need you goddammit,"
"mhmm, i'm sure you do."
and with that, you grabbed the back of her thighs and hoisted her legs around your waist and started walking into the princesses bedroom.
"ahhh!" she squealed. "you mustn't do things like that with out warning me first,"
"but where's the fun in that darling?" you smirked.
"don't pretend you didn't like it, because i know for a fact," you whispered, placing her gently down on the bed. "that you throughly enjoyed it."
"mhmm," she whimpered, as you'd tarted to nibble gently along her collarbone as your hands snaked around the back of her formal dress.
"sometimes, i do wonder how we got here," you whispered, now along the princesses jaw line. you now had the zip of her dress between your fingers and you slowly started slowly dragging it down as to not alert the princess to what you were doing.
"i really sometimes think you have early on set dementia." she said rolling her eyes, as you finally got the back of her dress open with her still being completely oblivious, all the while you were still placing tender kisses along her jaw.
"mhmm, do you really?" you questioned as you tried to search for the clasp of her bra, however coming to find out that she wasn't wearing a bra at all.
"yes, yes i do," she whispered, throwing her head back in pleasure, as your kisses continued.

"you know, what i think? mhmm," you asked, pulling away from her jaw to look into her eyes.
"go on, tell what do you think. i'm sure i'd an earful even if i didn't want to know." she chuckled to herself as she wrapped her arms around your neck pulling you down so you were closer to her face.
"i think, that you, your royal highness, are so desperate for me, my touch, that you aren't even wearing a bra," you smirked as with that the princess became deeply embarrassing blushing heavily.
"slip of the mind darling, don't think you're special," she retorted holding her chin up.
"mhmm, really?" you questioned. "so if i were to do this," you pulled down her dress to receive a surprised whimper. as you started to gently massage left boob, as quiet almost inaudible moan left her mouth.
"it wouldn't affect you at all, because i'm not special and you're not desperate for my touch at all?" you asked, easing your eyebrow.
"n-not one b-bit," she slowly whimpered, not fully trusting her self not to let out another moan.
"mhmm really? and what about if i did this?" when you said this, you took the hand which wasn't already pleasuring the princess, and started to drag it higher and higher up her thigh trying to get a reaction out of the princess.
"a-absolutely wouldn't affect me at all," she stuttered trying to stand her ground as she screwed her eyes shut and threw her head back into the mattress.
"okay, and this?" you said the smirk still on your face, as you dragged your hand up higher,
so that it was now gently above the princesses underwear. her dress, which was now bunched up around her midsection, was where her hands now moved to as you continued to toy with the older woman.
"i feel absolutely n-n-nothing," she whimpered out. you both knew she couldn't contain herself much longer.
"mhmm really?" you questioned as you hooked your finger around the waist band of her underwear slowly dragging them down.
"why would a-anything that you do affect me?"
her underwear was now around her thighs, you could see her blushing out of the corner of her eyes as you purely admired her.
"mhmm, of cours-ahhh," the princesses half answered and half moaned as you slid your fingers through her slit.
"because, darling your body tells me different,"
your fingers caressed her gently, but still firmly enough so that she could feel you exploring her.
you hadn't even started yet and still she felt the best she ever had before. it was unbelievable the way that you were making the princess feel, truly out of this world.

slowly, two of your fingers travelled south circling her entrance gently dipping themselves inside of her.
"mhmmm," margaret but her lip trying to contain herself.
"do you like that?" you whispered once again dipping your head down to her neck.
"nevermind no need to answer that, i already know you do honey."
you started to pump your fingers faster now and on every other thrust curling them up, to hit her sweetest spot.
"o-o-ohhhh," the princess whined hungrily.
"you darling, might actually be the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. and i mean that, from the bottom of my heart. i absolutely adore you. i want to be able to treat you like the queen you really are. the goddess you really are. i just want you to understand how important you are to me. how much you mean to me." you mumbled into her neck.
"darling, please,"

"mhmm what was that sorry i can't hear you. what does her royal highness want?" you smirked nibbling her neck and earlobe.
"i need you please, please go faster darling. i'm so close,"
these simple words are the words you had been longing to hear for as long as you can remember.
and now you've finally heard them, there was no way that you were going to not obey them.
"whatever a princess wants she gets, or so i've been told,"
and with that, you started to fasten your pace gain many more whimpers and moans from the margot until.
"darling mhmmm!!!!"
she cried out as you felt her fall into a state of complete euphoria. moans and many other inappropriate words fell from her mouth as you helped her elongate her high. words you would never expect a princess to say.
"that's it. that's my good girl." you soothed as you stroked her hair away from her sweaty face.
slowly, you removed yourself from the princess, as she whimpered still being sensitive.

you stripped down to your underwear as you climbed into to bed next to the princess who still hadn't moved due to what you assumed was pure exhaustion.
"i've come to the conclusion, that maybe something you do might affect me. and maybe you are just a bit special. to me anyway."

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