Y/N POV's:

It was an early spring morning and I was coming out of my apartment building and started to stretch.
After I had finished stretching I started my jog, I was looking a guy called called Giran.
Word on the street is he knows Tumura Shigaraki the leader of the League Of Villains.
And I wanted to join so I needed to talk to this guy.

I had been jogging for awhile when someone joined me.
I chose to ignore them and just turned my music up.
Suddenly they tugged the headphones off.
"You know most people would be more polite to the number two hero"
I looked over and he was telling the truth it was Hawks, the big number two.
I rolled my eyes as if I didn't care.
'Just my luck! When I'm looking for a way to join the most wanted villian organisation in Japan I run into the number 2 hero! So what, I should be able to shake him off quite quickly, and he just thinks I'm a guy on a run'
I put my headphones back and speed up, but he just matches my pace, so I slow down and he does the same.
"Come on dude give a guy a chance!"
He says over my music.
'I guess it might be suspicious to ignore him'
I remove my headphones.
"Hey! That's what I'm talking about! Now what's your name cutie?"
I sigh.
"Cool! Where you going Y/N?"
"Just out on a jog."
"Cool, cool, same."
We were silent for a minute then he perked up again.
"So...you fruity?"
I looked at him confused.
'Does he mean gay?'
"You know, are you part of the rainbow mafia? Limp wristed? Come on dude! Are you gay?!"
I sighed I had known what he was talking about from the beginning.
"That's a bit invasive isn't it?"
I ask.
"I know, I know, my gaydar just wouldn't stop beeping, you know?"
"Sadly I do"
"So you are! I knew it!"
I let out a small chuckle as he did a little dance.
"I am too you know"
He whispered like it was some big secret, although I guess it was, the media would go crazy.
"You won't tell anyone... right?"
I giggled.
"Don't worry your secrets safe with me dude"
He smiled.
'What am I doing! I need to find Giran, and I can't bring this goodie two shoes along'
"Anyway, I've got a job interview to get to so..."
He looked me up and down.
"Really? You don't look very professional. No offense!"
"That doesn't really matter with this job"
He shrugged.
"Allright see you around cutie!"
With that he took flight and zoomed away leaving me in a state of confusion based on the interaction I just had.

I finally found Giran in an ally about an hour later.
"You know, it's hard to find you Giran"
I said emerging from the shadows behind him.
"That's how it's ment to be."
I chuckled.
"Well good job then, anyway I'm here to talk about the League of villains"
I stated, he took a puff of his cigar.
"Alright, what's your name?"
"V/N."(villian name(you can say a Y/N here if you want though))
"Alright done any crimes that could tell us about you and your skills?"
"Nothing too flashy I committed arson twice, blew up a bank, killed several rapists"
He nodded and took another puff of his cigar.
"Alright what's your quirk?"
I knew he would ask this but I still got nervous, I always got nervous when people asked this, you see I'm quirkless, but I got a small peice of flint lodged in my thumb once so I sewed steel into my other fingers so I can make small sparks when I want.(I have no clue of this is possible or not(probably not) but let's just roll with it)
I clicked my fingers making sparks, to say he looked disappointed was an understatement.
"I know it's not much but I'm useful in other ways! Please give me a chance"
I begged, I rarely beg but I know when I should and I really wanted to join the league.
"Like what?"
He asked.
'Ok he's giving me another chance, think! Think! Damn it Y/N!'
He sighed and turned to leave.
He stopped.
"What about him?"
"Um... w-we're in a relationship?"
'What the fuck Y/N! You've literally talked to him ONCE!'
"Ok, meet back here same time tomorrow"
And with that he left, I gulped.
I kicked over a bin then got an idea.
'I'll get close to hawks then get in a fake relationship with him! Then I get info for the league and an okay-looking boyfriend, I could even ruin a heroes career if it comes out that I'm a villain!'
and with that I continued on my day.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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