unwanted fate.

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My heart had dropped to my stomache my head pounding hard . I felt like I was about to crumple to the ground at any moment but I had to keep quiet. I was hiding in the corner of the shower in the locker rooms. My palm bleeding from me clenching my fist and digging my nails in deep. I was sweating from running and I felt like screaming. I didn't trust myself so I held my hand over my mouth as tears slipped from my blue eyes. I heard footsteps throughout the room and a deep voice " charlotte" he huffed a little obviously out of breath " where are you?" I closed my eyes trying to block out images of him coming closer " charlotte I won't hurt you I swear" liar I wanted to scream out. I focused my mind on noah wishing he'd save me wishing he'd be there to get me out. Just then serithian peeked around the wall of the shower seeing me. He smirked and brought him self around the corner I dropped to the ground screaming " don't touch me, don't you dare" I couldn't see anything through the heaps of tears spilling out of my eyes. And I felt a firm hand grasp my shoulder. I woke up in a sweat my chest rising and falling quickly. not another premonition I had been having them on and off for weeks now. I tried as hard as I could to remember it so I would be prepared. noah came out of the bathroom in only a towel pulling his fingers through his soft wet brown hair. He eyed me and then instantly ran to me trying to help calm me. " was it another premonition or just a bad dream?" I looked at him trying to stay focused on his golden brown eyes so I wouldn't think back to the dream. Just by that he knew. He grabbed my sides and lifted me on to his lap brushing back my dirty blonde hair. It felt akward because the only thing between us was my short cotton shorts and a towell. He seemed to noticed as well so he kissed my for head and set me on my feet. Then began pushing me toward the bathroom. I just looked at him sadly he understood that being in a shower I felt unsafe like someone would break in and stab me. " I'll sit on the bathroom counter and watch for any entrances." that made me laugh a little " what if my roomates come home?" Now it was his turn to laugh. " then I'll hide in the shower" I rolled my eyes and got in. I shut the curtain then began to strip I wasn't going to let him see me naked then I started the water. The warm water ran down my back relaxing my muscles soothing me. I heard a door shut and one of my roomates knocked at the door. " charlie have to pee soo bad" it was anas soft  voice speaking " I'm coming in" the handle began to turn and guess who jumped into the shower with me. Yupp peeking up at me smiling was noah when he saw my naked side. I turned quickly trying to hide myself. I heard a lid lift and trickling water a flush then water from the sink and a door shut. I looked down behind me and Noah smirked "nice butt love" I just sighed " get out!" once again he smirked. Then leapt out of the shower. Accidently leaving behind his towel. The only dry one left in the bathroom was mine. Great.



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