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i walked back up the street to the coffee shop as people and emergency crew slowly dissapeared from the scene. Noah began talking to a news crew that had showed up out of nowhere and the mess of cars were being cleared off the street. i sat at a cleared table and looked down at my phone silently cursing myself. i'd missed class for the third time in a row with no excuse. my proffesor was going to have a fit. my mind trailed off on that subject until a familiar face filled my vision with blue eyes that pierced right through me and made me gasp. " hello love" he said in a sweet british accent that made me want to melt. until i remembered i had no idea who he really was just some guy no one seemed to notice. i stared at him for a moment unable to speak, he laughed at my expression and leaned forward. " you know it's not polite to stare" he whispered lightly. I blushed abit in embarassment then spoke slowly "who are you again?" i asked getting my voice back. he gave me a smirk " again? i don't believe i told you in the first place love." i gave him a glare " well then you wont mind me asking you to leave, would you 'love'" i mocked his british accent with the last word. he seemed bemused . then he looked my squarly in the eye, " my name is sebastian and im your shadow." I looked at him with bewilderment . what-the-hell? he seemed to catch on to my look and smirked at me. " you heard what i said, i am your shadow,and if your wondering why i don't look like you, im not you i just form to your shape when in the light, your the only one who can see me." i studied him for a moment trying to tell if he was lying but as if on que noah showed up and sat across from me in the chair sebastian was just in. "were you just talking to yourself?" noah asked awkwardly. i stared at where he sat and saw sebastian behind him, he winked and vanished into thin air making a small shadow by the table at my side. i looked down at the ground and stared at the shadow. noah waved his hand in front of my face " hello, whats up with you today?" i looked up at him blinking, was i going crazy? " you didn't see that guy sitting here just a second ago?" he looked at me like i was stupid " are-are you okay? did you hit your head, fall down too rough? do i need to take you to the doctor?" he asked seeming quite concerned but bemused. at the same time. i stood up and pushed my seat back into the table. " no im fine i just am seeing things lately. i have to go ill see you later." he watched me walk away down the sidewalk before he got up and walked the opposite way. i passed by my apartment not wanting to go back up there and deal with the roomates. I walked down the street and came by a little outlet of stores and bakery's and stepped into a random one. it ended up being a barnes and noble. i walked through and went up the escalator to the fiction section. i pulled out a random book from the top shelf and sat at one of the nearest tables by myself.just like i expected sebastian my so called 'shadow' showed up in the seat in front of me. instead of raising my eyes to see him sit i kept my eyes on the book feigning interest in the cover, which was a girl half in the shadows with a quarter moon tattoo on her forhead. 'the house of night' series it read across the bottom. he just waited there tapping his fingers on the edge of the table. finally i looked up to see him watching me with amusment. " you know just because i don't exsist in your world doesn't mean you can just avoid me." i shot him a glare and whispered between clenched teeth " i can't be caught talking to my imagination, sorry but unless you can suddenly become real then we can't have a conversation." a light went off in his eyes. " alright that's fair . whom should i portray?" he asked, this shocked me " you can be anyone you want?" i asked a little too loudly to where the other 5 remaining people in this section gave me weird looks then turned around avoiding my eyes. he shook in deep laughter. " yes but i was kidding i'd much rather be myself if you don't mind" it wasn't a qauestion but i nodded anyway. then he dissapeared again only to walk out of a random section of books and come sit by me. i wasn't sure if her was actually visible yet so i leaned over to my right and asked the petite red head girl at that table if she saw the boy infront of me. she then gave me a very worried look cleared her throat and excused herself from the table shed been sitting whis didn't answer my question at all. as she walked away past the chair sebastian waved hello to her and she jumped violently as if something unexpected jumped on her from mid air. she looked at me with bewilderment then said " yes theres someone there now! how did- nevermind." and then walked away. sebastian grined wide " love scaring the witts out of people. it's quit gratifying". i shot him another glare but then my gaze softened as i realized he was actually infront of me and i wasn't just some mentally disturbed teenager who desprately needed the help of a doctor. he actually exsisted which had me jumping up and down in my seat " you actually exsist! you really do exsist!" which earned me a few more odd looks and annoyed sneers from the people around us. sebastian sat in front of me laughing at my reaction. "your easily excited you know after 19 years of knowing you i'd have thought you may give a better reaction then that." he stated i then stared at him " 19 years are you a stalker?" he then laughed again " no just apart of the job your the second life ive been assigned. ever!" i shook my head in embarrassment as i remembered who he truly was and he laughed at my expression. " yeah you have always had trouble being so easily embarassed you know" i looked away not wanting to meet his gaze. " see there you go again being embarassed that i said that. it's not a big deal, it's actually kind of cute." then i looked up shocked that he'd say something so bold when we only met less than an hour ago. his face showed no emotion but his eyes betrayed him and showed humor and a sort of caring. i looked down at my feet embarassed again and and noticed that the table had a shadow and so did the chair i sat but i didn't and that's when i truly realized he was telling me the complete truth. i stood up quickly to walk away from him only because the situation was odd then my vision began to blur and my knees were weak. as i hit the floor of the book store my vision went black and when i awoke again to noah's cool touch i realized i had fainted. -wait! noah when did he get here?- i thought. " n-noah?" i asked theni blacked out for the second time. 

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________noah's pov.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

when charlotte finally walked around the next bend i got up and went the opposite direction only so could cath up to her and she wouldn't realized i'd followed. she went up the street and to the little outlet of a mini mall area and went into the barnes & noble i quickly upped my pace and walked to the outlet after she'sd passed the doorway. once i got to the fron i watched her go up the escalator. i waited a moment and saw where she sat in the fantasy section before i went to got up the escalator in the other direction. i got up to the romance side and decided to watch across the way for a moment. suprise covered her face and i thought she noticed me so i began to walk around to go over to her. when i got in ear shot of her i noticed her talking to herself and then to the tiny red head next to her about some man in front of her. i was about to walk up to her when a blonde man appeared out of literally no where to sit infront of her scaring the red head half to death she then whispered sometghing and ran off in my direction hitting my shoulder." sorry" she said and resumed walking away quickly while shaking her head. i turned back to charlotte and the blonde and assumed a stance behind the large pillar by the books listening to their conversation. " love scaring the witts out of people. it's quit gratifying" he said with a slight british accent. she glared at him uneasily then drew back abit. " you actually exsist! you really do exsist!" she giggled. which made everyone around stare at her like she was mad. "your easily excited you know after 19 years of knowing you i'd have thought you may give a better reaction then that." he said simply. i didnt have to listen furthur to know who he actually was. this guy was her shadow. about time he showed up. if he would have presented himself before i wouldnt have been assigned the job to help watch her. then i could be doing other things like watching someone important in nuratchi my universe. whilst thinking about the things i could be doing besides taking care of charlotte, she stood up uneasily and then fell flat to the ground which pulled me from my reverie. the blonde shadow guy then walked towards me threw me a glance then winked and dissapeared leaving a black dust behind. damn shadow always causing trouble. i ran toward charlotte and brushed her hair from her face. her eyes fluttered a moment then she looked at me alarmed and confused "n-noah?" she asked then she went out again. leaving me her with a limp body to carry out of the store without attracting much attention, which was difficult!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2011 ⏰

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