Study Break (Peter Parker x Reader)

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"Ugh. I'm going to fail. I'm going to fail, that's what's going to happen. I'm not going to get the credits. All that time in class was wasted." You huff and lay your head on the library desk.

"You won't fail Y/N. You're doing pretty well, we just have a few more things to go over." Your boyfriend Peter puts his hand on your back and pats it in an attempt to make you feel better. Although his touch was comforting it wasn't going to help you on exams.

"We've been sitting here for hours. My head is full of all this stuff I need to know and it feels like it's about to explode."

"I have an idea. How about we go roller skating and then get milkshakes? We can take a little break, let your brain rest, and then get back to it."

You roll your head over to look at him. His eyebrows are raised and his hands are out to the side making a gesture that says, "how about it?"

"That actually sounds fun. I haven't skated in forever though, I'll probably fall on my face." You were just about ready to give up, to throw in the towel but Peter wasn't going to rest until you were sure you would get a good grade.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. Now get up and stretch those legs." Peter lightly jumps on the balls of his feet, making him look like a kid that just got told he was going to get ice cream.

You pack up your stuff and shove it into your backpack before you leave. It was seven o'clock at night and the sky was getting gradually darker. You really had been studying for hours. You left right after lunch and had been at the library ever since.

You walk to the roller rink that's a few blocks down. As you got closer you saw on the retro-style sign that it was 80's night. You stepped into the carpeted building and went to the front desk. The cashier was an older woman and she was dressed perfectly in the 80's style. Her hair was teased and she was wearing huge neon hoops.

The rink was designed to be like a disco, the lights were turned off and pink, blue, and green lights shining on the walls and wooden floor. Cyndi Lauper played over the speakers, completing the atmosphere.

You both laced up your skates and entered the rink together. You were definitely rusty and nearly fell as soon as you stood. Peter struggled to suppress his laughter as he glided ahead of you. You gripped the side of the divider as you found your footing and followed Peter.

There weren't many other people there, a few kids and their parents and some couples skating together. Peter skated in a circle back to you and grabbed your hand. The song changed to a slower song and Peter pulled you a little bit closer.

You skated side by side around the dimly lit rink. "This is pretty fun, I have to admit."

"I know right? I'm glad we got the chance to come. I've wanted to take you on a date here for a while but couldn't find the right time to ask." He rubbed the back of his neck and a shy smile appeared on his face. He was such a cutie no matter what.

You felt confident enough to try to do a spin. You picked up a little speed and started turning. You really thought you were going to do it but not a second later your feet seem to slip out from under you and you fall. You lie on the ground on your back dying from laughter. You weren't even embarrassed, you were genuinely having a good time.

Peter was quick to rush to your side and as soon as he knew you were okay he dissolved into a fit of laughter. You were both laughing so hard you were wheezing and clutching your sides.

"Oh-Oh! Help me- Help me up!" Tears were forming in the corners of your eyes and Peter was not doing any better. He grabbed onto your arm in an effort to pull you up but ended up on his butt too. That just made both of you laugh even harder, making you look like fools. You were having too much fun to even care that people were staring at you.

You stayed for a while longer, gaining a bruised ass but having a great time in general. There was a retro diner joined with the roller rink so you headed next door to get milkshakes and fries. You slid into the red booth in the corner and ordered your food.

"Thank you Peter. I really needed this break." You reached across the table to hold his hand.

He gave it a squeeze, "I thought you might. I'm glad you liked it." He leaned forward and kissed you across the table. You were interrupted by your waitress setting down your plate of fries right between you and putting your milkshakes to the side.

You dug into the comfort food, dipping your fries into your milkshake, which was your favorite flavor. You and Peter continued to joke and talk, avoiding the subject of exams. Once your glasses and plate were empty you left.

It was around nine so Peter walked you home. You arrived on the doorsteps of your apartment complex in a few minutes.

"Goodnight handsome." You pressed a kiss to Peter's red cheeks. He always got flustered when you complimented him like that.

"G-goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow."

You turned to go in but Peter stood rooted in his spot. He wasn't going to leave until you properly kissed him. You rolled your eyes and pressed your lips to his before finally waving goodbye. He grinned once more and then headed home.


This was a request from AO3! My requests are open so feel free to send some in! 

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