Part 3

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I need to ring Olly, I can't sleep after what happened yesterday... But I just don't know what I should say!

I text him saying:

Hey Ols, it Cazza if you're not busy or asleep could you phone me when you see this we need to talk! 

From Cazza xx

Okay there's no way back now, all I have to do is wait...

*10 minutes later*

1 ring

2 rings

3 rings

"Hey Olly, look we really need to talk but I don't think we should do it over the phone! I'm so sorry for messing you about" I say really fast! I could feel myself hyperventilating! 


1 New Message: Cazza x

Hey Ols, it Cazza if you're not busy or asleep could you phone me when you see this we need to talk!

Okay, now I'm worried! What's wrong with her? Right I'm going to call her now, but I can't I'm to scared to think what she will say! "It can't be anything too bad, can it?" I say to myself, re-reading over Caroline's text.

1 ring 

2 rings

3 rings 

'Come on  Cazza,' I'm thinking, 'please pick up.'

"Hey Olly, look we really need to talk but I don't think we should do it over the phone! I'm so sorry for messing you about" 

"Hey darling to you too, calm down! It's fine! I'll make my way to yours right now!"

Oh my, I wonder whats wrong with her! She's hyperventilating and I really just need to get to her as soon as I can! I didn't know if she is expecting me to stay long, but I quickly run upstairs, grab a bag and shove a few essentials in there. I run out to my car, and start the engine. 


"Oh God! He's coming over here!" I pace back and forth, not completely sure what I should do. "Should I change out of my pjs or should I try to look cosy?" I'm really confused, I don't even know what I'm going to say to him! I knew this was a bad idea, why did I even ring him in the first place. "God, Caroline, you're such an idiot!" I shout at myself. 

*20 minutes later*


"Okay Caroline you can do this, just open the door and smile!" I reassure myself. 

"Hey Ols, I'm really sorry for getting you out this early!" I say, looking down to the floor ashamed of what I have done. He looks so sleepy and I find  it  really cute. I can't help but smile. 

"Hey Cazza, look I'm really worried about you!" He says. Now I am smiling like a lunatic just staring at him. His sleepy voice is so sexy. Along with his sleepy face...oh god, he is so dreamy!!! I can feel my cheeks burning as they turn about as red as an apple.

"What are you blushing and smiling about?" He said with his cheesy smile. If only he knew what I am thinking, if he knew he would be blushing which would totally kill me at this moment in time. I had slipped off into a trance...


I can see her blushing but I don't have a clue why. Nothing about me was different. Well my hair looks a mess but that's about it. Caroline looks so cute right now and I really want to kiss her but I keep telling myself it's too soon...I need to calm down! I slightly cough, just to bring her back into the real world.

"Sooo Caz, you going to let me in or am I staying on  the doorstep all night?"

"Hmmm... Yeah, sorry" She says, looking at the bag in my hand puzzled.

"Oh sorry, it's just it's quite early so I thought I could bunk on your sofa, it wouldn't be safe to drive!" I nervously laugh, looking at the floor, scared of whether she'll turn me away. She just grabs me by my shirt, out of no-where, and pulls me into her flat turning me around and kicking the door shut. I am in total shock, there is nothing for me to say. Then she kissed me. I pull her closer and drop my bag onto the floor. Slowly, I reach a hand up and brush her hair back before wrapping them around her waist. I find myself kissing her back as passionately as I could. Caroline puts her arms around my neck. She whispers something onto my lips, however I can't make out what she says. 

I let go and drop my arms to my side, Caroline's are still tightly wrapped around my neck. I pull them away from me and step back. I can see the sadness in her eyes as she looks at me. "It's not that I don't want to do this Cazza, but I need to know where I stand!" I say.

"Erm.. I don't know Ols, I just grabbed you! It felt right!" Caroline says, looking down at the floor. "Olly, I'm sorry..."

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