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So I thought I said what Nya was is the last chapter but I guess I didn’t. My bad!

Nya’s a red fox…. So yeah.


Oh! And I’d like to say that if you guys want to make a Fanfiction about the Hybrid AU, go ahead! You don’t have to make the Ninja the same animals if you don’t want to.

If you do write a fiction though I’d love to read it so send me a link!


Shout out to ML-AWESOMENESS for their Hybrid AU Fanfiction! It’s pretty awesome!


I also wanted to say that if anyone was wondering what the Hybrids of the Ninja look like, they can check out my DeviantART account and see them there. The name’s the exact same as my Fanfiction- Zane-Ninjago12. I have a drawing of every Hybrid form of the Ninja (and Nya) there.


You can skip this part if you want because this is just why I chose the Ninja as what hybrid they are.

Zane’s a gyrfalcon because… of course he’d be a falcon. A gyrfalcon is a white bird that typically lays its nest up in the cold tundra, where it stays all year. So it has connection to snow.

Jay’s a cat (more specifically a Havana Brown species) because the Havana Brown species are known for their playfulness. The personality fit Jay so well that he had to be a cat. Besides, he looks good with little cat ears.

Cole’s a black bear because the black matches his ninja color. Bears are also closely connected to nature/earth in advertising and have great strength.

Kai’s a porcupine because the quills would blend in perfectly with his hair. And he would definitely use it in battle, shooting quills at any attackers that he sees. That and it’s funny to see him get all upset because he hates his ears and tries to hide them with his hair.

Nya’s a red fox because red foxes are known for their beautiful red fur. They’re usually nocturnal, which can help Nya when she has to stay up a little later than usual to work on the Bounty or something.

Lloyd’s a 4-Winged European Dragon for obvious reasons.

Sensei Wu’s a Chinese Dragon for obvious reasons.

And Garmadon’s a European Dragon for obvious reasons.


 “Perhaps it is best… if we go our separate ways….”

            His own words echoed through his head like a weight that would never leave. He had considered it many times, but he never thought it would become a reality. But here they were… all his brothers gathered in a circle… and the slips of paper in the bag in his hand telling them where they would be going.

            “I’ve decided to give you guys these papers… we will draw them randomly so that nobody will know where anyone else is… it will lower the chances of them getting all of us…” Zane spoke quietly. “I’ve written a total of ten cities…. We will all pull one and not tell the others where we are going. From there we can live and start new lives…”

            The others looked to the bag then to each other. It was clear that everyone was trying to keep tears from spilling over their cheeks. But it was so hard. For the longest time the only people that everyone in the circle had talked to was everyone else in the circle. It’d take a while before anyone got used to not seeing the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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